The One Thing You’ll Never See Anna Wintour Wear


The One Thing You'll Never See Anna Wintour Wear

We often refer to the color black as a symbol of the elegance and sophistication of the modern career woman, but that couldn’t be further from the case for Anna Wintour. In a 2019 episode of “Go Ask Anna” for Vogue, where the editor-in-chief answers burning fashion questions from curious pedestrians, Wintour dished out her distaste for the tones for black when asked how she would “spice up an all-black outfit.”

“Just don’t wear all black. It seems too gloomy and as if one’s going to a funeral. So I would definitely think about adding some color or a favorite piece of jewelry or maybe white boots. Just something that’s a little bit unexpected,” the London native suggested. However, it doesn’t seem that Wintour has always hated the color black, asWho What Wear did dig up an all-black fit she rocked in her younger years that featured black shoes and flowy pants with eyelet detailing, paired perfectly with a gold watch and an indigo clutch.

Is there anything Wintour has kept in her closet over the years?


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