The Most Crying Moments in Ben Affleck’s New Movie, “Deep Water”


Vic Van Allen is barely able to get in the water when he gets out of it.

Deep Water

Vic (Ben Affleck), hiding a body in a river.

20th Century Studios

Affleck is About six feet tall, approximately four inches highWater in “Deep Water”The most likely measure approximately six feet.

While I don’t know much about water, this film is worth a look. “Deep Water,”This does not meet the brief.

Vic is unable to conceal his body in the water because it is so shallow.

Deep Water

Tony Cameron’s hand (Finn Wittrock), floating in the river.

20th Century Studios

Vic ends up drowning because of the shallowness in the water. The body of Tony (Finn Wittrock), however, is eventually discovered. While you could find some thematic connections to this, it only continues to raise the question: Why? “Deep Water”Filmed in such a shallow stream

There are, for some reasons, many snails.

Deep Water

Vic (Ben Affleck), tapping his snail tray.

20th Century Studios

Vic has an entire room of snails.

It’s hard to explain and it’s one of the most intimate moments between Vic and his snails in an erotic thriller.

Affleck accepted the role as snail owner, and Max Anton, the film’s onset snail handler gave him praise. Entertainment Weekly: “Ben was fantastic to work with. He’s a great listener. And you can tell that when he does his scenes, he will take instructions.”

“He understands them, and usually, he can nail it the first time. He was exceptionally good with my animals. We didn’t lose a single one,”Anton added.

Adrian Lyne, Director, also tries to create meaningful imagery with the snails.

Deep Water

Vic (Ben Affleck), holding one of his snails.

20th Century Studios

Lyne cuts in between Vic and Melinda giving Charlie a bath, and her lover Charlie getting a hand job. It is truly bizarre to watch.

Anton, the snail handler, seems to be the closest explanation for the snails. He is apparently the only person who has ever made the film and did the press for it. He Entertainment WeeklyThe snails are “a foil for Ben and Ana’s characters.”

“Even these dumb animals, these very simple animals, without even really brains, as you know, by definition, exhibited the kind of love and fidelity that these humans were seemingly incapable of,”He .

“Deep Water” is full of unintentional — or possibly intentional? — comedy.

Deep Water

Charlie De Lisle (Jacob Elordi), is dropped into the pool by the characters.

20th Century Studios

Vic accidentally drops Charlie back into the pool after Charlie drowns off-screen. It’s a hilarious and unintentionally funny moment at a crucial point in the story. “Deep Water”This undermines any drama Lyne has created.

It’s not surprising that Charlie’s death leaves everyone high on marijuana brownies. It’s yet another bizarre detail in a film that is disjointed and full of weird details.

The moment Don Wilson (Tracy Letts), nearly comically struggles up the sandy slope during the film’s dramatic conclusion.

Deep Water

Don Wilson (Tracy Letts), flies away.

20th Century Studios

Letts, amongst others, is a two-time Tony Award Winner and a Pulitzer Prize Winner.

Letts wrote “August: Osage County”He was nominated for a Tony Award for his performance in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”Let me just say this: “Deep Water”It is far from Letts finest hour.

This entire sequence of climactic chases is absurd.

Deep Water

Vic Van Allen (Ben Affleck), in pursuit Don’s car.

20th Century Studios

Don is trying to drive away Vic on his mountain bike. He doesn’t seem aware of the fact that Vic is in a car. automobileIt is almost untouchable.

The entire chase scene is completely nonsensical — Don drives recklessly for plot purposes only. His death is an accident and does not appear in Patricia Highsmith novel. “Deep Water”Based on.

Highsmith’s original artworkDon contact the police to have Vic arrested after he realizes he is a murderer.

Instead, the film adaptation “Deep Water”Don ends up driving off a cliff, leaving Vic and Melinda free to live their lives without suspicion.

Don’s decision to text Vic, while driving away from Vic in a frantic hurry is unbelieveable.

Deep Water

Don (Tracy Letts), texts his wife.

20th Century Studios

Let’s forget about that “I was right”This is a very vague statement to text when someone hides a body in a river. Perhaps a phone call would have been more convenient?

Don would not have fallen off a cliff had he made a call.


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