Instagram hack instantly makes your Stories look way better, TikTok star reveals


A TIKTOK user famed for her Instagram tips has revealed how you could make your Instagram Stories much more exciting.

@valerie_lisitsyna, self-described’marketing pro’, shows you how to create transparent backgrounds on Stories.

The cool trick creates a transparent colour effect


The cool trick creates a transparent colour effectCredit: Tiktok/@valerie_lisitsyna
It allows you to draw patterns with the eraser


It allows you to draw patterns with the eraserCredit: Tiktok/@valerie_lisitsyna

She starts the video by instructing: “Open up Stories and select a colour that you like.”

You will also need to have loaded the photo or video you want to post to your Story before you pick the colour.

Click the wiggly line in the upper right corner to select a color option.

To see more choices, hold down the colour you are interested in.

After you have selected a color, the Instagram pro will tell you: “Ensure you select the third marker option. Hold down the screen until you see a transparent background.

You will notice that your entire screen is now the chosen colour, but you still see the image below.

The TikToker continues: “After you add the colour that you like, use the eraser tool to erase and create a see-through design for your Story like the ones here.”

She then demonstrates how you can use the eraser to draw patterns on the transparent background which creates a cool effect.

The eraser tool can be found in the upper right-hand corner next to the “Done” option.

Once you’re happy, click “Done” and then you can post to your Stories or send to a friend.

It should appear as though the original image has been faded. To highlight specific points or add words, you can use an eraser.

This effect can be compared to writing words on a mirror that has been heated up.

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