Easy Way to Make Light and Fluffy Whipped Cream


Whipping cream is essential for creating beautiful cakes or topping a pie. Although you can buy whipped topping in a tub or can at the grocery store, homemade whipped cream is a great way to enhance your desserts.

Why make real whipped cream? It is definitely creamier, richer and thicker than store-bought whipped cream. It also tastes better and you can customize the flavor. You only need to have a few ingredients and patience to make homemade whipped cream.

What is the difference between heavy cream and heavy whipping cream?

Whipping cream, as its name implies, is cream that has been whipped until it becomes light and fluffy. There are three types of cream you might encounter: heavy cream, heavy whipping crème, and light cream. Which one is best?

“Heavy cream” and “heavy whipping cream” may have different names, but they’re essentially the same thing. Each has a minimum 36 percent fat content. The lighter whipping cream, also known as light whipping, has a lower fat content, ranging from 30 percent to 35%.

Heavy whipping cream has a higher fat content, which results in whipped cream that is more stable. This makes it ideal for topping cakes and cupcakes with it. Whipping cream makes whipped cream that is as soft and delicious as whipping cream, but it’s lighter and doesn’t retain its volume or shape as well.

Mason jar whipped cream

If you don’t have a whisk, an electric mixer, or you simply need a smaller portion, you can use a mason jar to make whipped cream. The mason jar should be chilled before you start. Add the cold cream, sugar, and seal the lid. Now shake it. The whipped cream will form when you shake the jar vigorously for five minutes.

Flavored whipped cream ideas

A chocolate milkshake topped with chocolate whipped cream.

Make chocolate whipped cream by adding 3 tablespoons cocoa powder.

Elena Veselova/Shutterstock

The options for flavored whipped cream are seemingly endless. Once your cream has thickened, begin to add the flavoring. The flavorings will become perfectly blended into the final whipped cream as you whip the cream.

  • Vanilla/Chantilly cream: Add 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract while whipping the cream.
  • Chocolate whipped cream: Add 3 tablespoons cocoa powder while whipping the cream.
  • Pumpkin whipped cream: Add 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice and 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  • Lemon whipped cream: Add the zest of one lemon or 1 teaspoon lemon extract.
  • Mint whipped cream: Add 1 teaspoon peppermint extract.

How to fix over-whipped cream

Whipped cream can go from fluffy, stiff peaks to lumpy and unappealing very fast. Over-whipping the cream can cause it to turn into butter. Overwhipped cream can be fixed by adding some cream to the bowl, and then mixing at low speed again. This will allow liquid cream to mix with the whipped cream, smoothing it.

Insider’s takeaway

Making whipped cream at home takes a bit of patience and finesse, but that extra work is worth it. The whipped cream can be made manually using a whisk and a bowl. Alternatively, you can use either a stand mixer (or hand mixer) to make it even more simple. The whipped cream will be creamier and thicker, which can be used in beautiful cakes or trifles or as a topping for your favorite pie.


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