You might have unexpected symptoms during pregnancy


You might have unexpected symptoms during pregnancy

While moodiness and cramps are both common symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome), there are many other signs that can be present.HealthFour factors were discovered by a survey of women who wanted to know what their period symptoms were. The first is feeling hungry all the time before your period. It is possible to feel a constant hunger before your period. This can make it difficult for you to eat. Christine Greves, OB/GYN was interviewed by The Outlet to learn more about the connection between this symptom and your menstrual cycle. Greves explained hormone fluctuations are responsible for certain food cravings. This is especially true for foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates. This can lead to increased production of the hunger-producing hormone, ghrelin — causing you to eat more.

Extra-sensitive skin was another unusual symptom that the Health survey discovered. Greves chalks this one up to hormone fluctuations as well — especially estrogen, which is responsible for protecting and thickening the skin. It can make the skin more sensitive than normal if the hormone production falls during this period.

Well+Goodcompiled a list of unexpected period symptoms of their own, naming back pain and stiffness as one. You can blame this on yet one more hormone — prostaglandin, which is responsible for the uterine contractions that lead to menstruation. Joint pain can also be caused by a decreased tolerance for pain due to estrogen drops. After your period is over, the soreness should go away.


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