Car washes are important for every car owner as they make life much easier for the driver. However, in the latest viral video, it seems a carwash has turned out to be an absolute mess of a lady.

Recently, a TikTok video popped out under username @poisoned_hearts, where the user featured a lady named “Karen”, who was struggling with her car washing experience as she was finding it difficult to put her car in neutral.
Erik, who posted the video, has behind the driver in the line for the car wash, while he captured the complete event on his smartphone. Though the woman was instructed to stop driving and tap on the brakes by the attendant, she seems to be struggling to put her car in neutral.
According to Erik, the woman titled Karen was spotted yelling at the attendant, asking for help on how to control her car. However, her behavior was too arrogant.

Though the conversation between the two was not clearly audible in the video, their gesture clearly portrayed that the attendant was trying to explain to the woman the ins and outs of the car wash process. The employee had informed her to place the car in neutral multiple times and let the automated system do its work. To make things more clear for the woman, the attendant demonstrated the process with pictures. But still, the woman appeared like a dumb fellow and could not understand the process. So, as the automatic belt started moving, the woman stopped her car, pressing the brakes, which compelled the employee to halt the process, causing discomfort for all other customers.
This time the attendant got frustrated and worked to her car’s window and gently explained to her the step-by-step process. However, the annoyed woman instantly retaliated, driving forward, compelling the attendant to stop her. The frustrated attendant made the last attempt to inform the woman about the complete process.

But, this time things were different. Her attempts did not go in veins. The woman luckily did the process as per her instructions and she was successfully able to start the car washing process.
The video went viral and netizens were amused by the incident. One person passed a humorous comment quoting, “Rumors has it she is still in there.”