Who is killed in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3? What happens to Rocket, Quill and Co?


Many of the promos for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 previewed a heart-wrenching finale, but in reality, who dies?

*WARNING: Major spoilers ahead for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3*

As the third and final installment in the Guardians Of The Galaxy trilogy, Vol 3 has always been earmarked as a film that could see us bid farewell to some of Marvel’s most beloved characters.

The trailers looked like they were hinting that Rocket could play an important role in the movie. However, some clips seemed to indicate that Rocket or one of other Guardians might die in the film. Who actually perishes in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 though?

Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Trailers Point to a Tear-jerking End

The trailers of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 teased an emotional ending to the trilogy from the very beginning.

Images of Rocket, a hyper-intelligent, intelligent raccoon, in his captivity with High Evolutionary – the megalomaniac creator of him – suggested that he could be a key character in the film. He could also face some dangers as he is once again reunited the evil villain.

Coupled with that was a heart-wrenching shot of Peter Quill screaming over a medical table which painted an early picture that someone, most likely Rocket, could potentially die before the end of the Guardians’ final adventure.

Who Died in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3?

In Vol. 3, none of the Guardians Of The Galaxy are killed. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any heartbreaking deaths.

We are introduced throughout the movie to an otter named Lylla and a walrus, rabbits called Teefs, and Floor, who were also imprisoned and experimented upon by the High Evolutionary.

The trio becomes firm friends with Rocket and they’re optimistic about a bright future on a new world that the High Evolutionary has been creating. Rocket discovers their creator’s plan to destroy them.

Rocket frees himself, his friends and escapes in an attempt to get away. However, he ends up having a gunfight with High Evolutionary (and his guards) and their guards.

Unfortunately, Lylla Teefs, and Floor were all fatally wounded in crossfire.

By the end of the film, Rocket has the chance to enact his revenge against the High Evolutionary but he walks away and doesn’t kill him, instead leaving the High Evolutionary to die when his ship explodes.

What will happen to the Guardians as a group?

After their encounter with the High Evolutionary several Guardians split up to embark on their own adventure.

Peter Quill is taken away by the Ravagers, but reunites his grandson with him.

Gamora rejoins Stakar Ogord, the Ravagers and her family after Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame.

After saving hundreds of animals and children from High Evolutionary, Nebula stays at Knowhere and helps build a colony.

Mantis heads off into the galaxy on a journey of self-discovery and is accompanied by three Abilisks who she helped to rescue from the High Evolutionary’s ship.

Finally, Rocket, Groot, and Kraglin are still serving in a remodeled Guardians Of The Galaxy, and they’re joined by Adam Warlock and Cosmo the Spacedog. Blurp, the fluffy creature, and Phyla Vell, Phyla, Phyla, one of their rescued children, also join the group.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 is Now is the time to get out. Cinemas.

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