What Tetris doesn’t tell you about the true story


What Tetris doesn't tell you about the true story

Henk Rogers, who is trying unsuccessfully to sell his video game of “Go” at an electronic expo, trade show and convention, opens the film. He is tempted to visit another booth to show off Tetris, but his assistant is too distracted by “Go” and distracts him.

Rogers did indeed create a Nintendo title based on Go, but the movie does not reveal that Rogers made his living mainly by looking for Japanese titles. He was far from reluctant to attempt “Tetris,” and this would have been exactly the reason he attended such shows.

Henk did it, too.It was described, he spotted “Tetris” at the 1988 Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where Mirrorsoft subsidiary Spectrum HoloByte was showing off their Russian puzzle game. Rogers explained that Tetris was “probably the quietest show game,” many years later. Although products at the time were visually exciting, this game was quite different. Because it hit a fundamental chord, I had to have it. “I couldn’t quit playing it.” Rogers, as legend says, was so taken with the game, he kept coming back to it over and over again, convinced that the Japanese market needed the game.


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