What side effects can the flu jab cause?


For a variety of reasons, it’s important to get a flu shot this winter.

Due to winter lockdowns, immunity is low in Brits. Getting flu and Covid simultaneously is dangerous. You can take steps to protect yourself and others against serious illness.

It's more important than ever to get your flu jab this year


This year, it’s even more important to get your flu shotCredit: LNP

Many people feel that the vaccine makes their body feel ill, so they put off getting it.

It’s temporary and mild, however.

The flu jab is not going to make you sick.

Flu jabs can be made with inactivated viruses (killed), or only one protein from the flu virus. This will not cause illness.

Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP, and Clinical Director of Patient AccessSun Online spoke with a representative of the vaccine. “The flu vaccine doesn’t contain any live virus so it can’t physically multiply inside your body.” The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu.

There are many reasons why people feel unwell following a flu jab.

“The first thing is that the vaccine triggers an immune response in your body. Your body then starts to work to make you immune to it. That can lead to feeling a little cold.

“But that’s not the same as having flu.

“The second fact is that the flu vaccine is given when many colds and coughs are starting – so many people will already be brewing colds when they get the vaccine.

“They don’t realise they had a cold coming already, so when they get a cold a few weeks later they blame the flu jab.”

What are the side effects?

Some side effects may be similar to flu symptoms.

They are usually mild and will disappear in a matter of days.

According to the NHS the most common side effects of the flu vaccine include:

  • A slightly warmer temperature
  • Muscle pain
  • Sore arm where the needle went in – this is more likely to happen with the vaccine for people aged 65 and over

The following can be used to reduce the side effects of flu jab:

  • Move your arm frequently
  • taking a painkiller, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. People who are pregnant or have a medical condition should not take ibuprofen.

Experts say the flu and Covid vaccines are safe to get at the same time.

It doesn’t seem that side effects are any worse.

The ComFluCov study showed that of those who got jabs at the same time, 85.2 per cent had at least one local side effect compared to 81.7 per cent in those who just got the Covid jab.

How can I protect myself against the flu?

Experts warn this year’s flu season could be worse than usual.

Research by the Government agency found that the risk of dying from flu and Covid-19 is almost doubled when you catch them both.

The jab is the best way to protect vulnerable groups against the flu.

Keeping this in mind, here are some steps you can take to help others and yourself against the flu.

Here’s Dr Ben Littlewood Hillsdon, chief Medical Officer of DoctorLinkHe shares his five top tips to beat winter bugs

1. Avoidance strategies should be maintained

According to some medical professionals, flu levels may drop this year if the entire population practices better germ-avoidance strategies.

Remember everything we’ve been told to do throughout the pandemic is relevant more than ever – wash your hands thoroughly and often, with warm water and soap.

Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Always take an antibacterial gel along with you when you go out of the house.

Avoiding contact with the flu virus and coronavirus by wearing a mask.

2. Get up

Hydration is vital for the body to function at its best. However, it is often overlooked.

If you become dehydrated, your mucus layer can alter in your respiratory tract or digestive tract. This can prevent germs from reaching your cells.

Remember, both tea and coffee are diuretics, so they don’t count towards your water intake – stick to clear liquids when you’re aiming for the two-litre rule.

3. Enjoy the rainbow

A balanced, healthy diet rich in different colors of fruits and vegetables will provide your body with a variety of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients that will help you fight infections.

You can get all the fibre you need to support your digestive system, and prevent bugs from getting into your body by eating fruits and veggies whole.

You will be able to obtain all the vitamins and minerals you need by eating a varied diet. However, supplementing your diet may be necessary in certain cases.

It’s difficult for us to get enough Vitamin D from sunlight in the UK, so the Government actually advises adults to take a daily 10 microgram vitamin D supplement during the winter months.

Zinc is another important mineral that can only be obtained through our diets.

Zinc plays an important role in many of our body’s reactions and can be used to fight infection. You might consider taking a Zinc supplement if you are concerned about your Zinc intake.

4. Keep moving

It is important to exercise regularly and frequently. Moving is important for your lymphatic system. It relies on muscle movement to stimulate.

It aids your immune cells move around your body to fight germs.

Strength training is also important for immunity as you age, muscle produces chemicals that work on the gland in which immune cells are made, so it’s important to not let this weaken and waste.

5. Don’t lose sleep over it

Sleep is vital for a strong immune system.

Insufficient sleep can cause your body to produce fewer cytokines, which is a type of protein that targets inflammation or infection and triggers the immune system.

Also, cytokines can also be released in sleep so it is crucial to get enough sleep.

Each person needs different amounts of sleep to feel their best. However, you should aim for between seven and eight hours each night in order to ensure your body functions optimally the next morning.

You can test for symptoms of flu by using Doctorlink. This digital triage tool will help you find the best form of care.

How effective is the flu jab at preventing illness?

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