Ukrainian Shares ‘War Coffee ‘Twitter Diary to Show Life on Ground

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  • Ukrainian mother Yaroslava Antpina starts most mornings by drinking what she calls “war coffee.”
  • Twitter user shares regular updates about her life in war-torn countries.
  • Readers responded by sharing photos of their own mugs “peace coffee.”

Ukrainian mother Yaroslava Antpina starts her day almost every morning with “war coffee.”

“Sunny & frosty morning. Having my war coffee,”she TweetLast week, @strategywoman posted a photo of a window of a residential area. “Good morning, world.”

Her coffee tweet is often the first of several Twitter updates during her day. Here she gives her 90,000. Followers a glimpse into her life. “ordinary”person in a new country.

She sometimes jots down random thoughts. “Ukrainian women are fantastic,”She tweetedAlong with a hilarious conversation she had a woman. Some times the tweets are small moments from her daily life like the time she met a “Kind Woman with a Huge Dog.”

She tweeted her most recent tweet on Thursday. This is what I wrote about the birds singing as she sipped on her morning cuppa — it’s “regular life, but with a war taste.”

Antipina, who was a Kyiv resident, fled the city in March along with her son, aged 19, to go live with her mother in Western Ukraine. Her son, who is also a resident of Kyiv, has not been able to leave Ukraine. All Ukrainian men aged between 18 and 60It was forbidden to go, she said USA TodayInterview.

“War coffee is resistance. Strength,”She told CBS News. For us Ukrainians to survive and be strong, we need these things. The uncertainty is for me the most difficult thing right now. It is impossible to know what will happen next week, or next day. We will get through it. We don’t have any other choice.”

Antipina occasionally asks her followers for their thoughts on mornings. Photos of their “peace coffees”.” All readers from Germany, the UK, as well as the USA have responded.

“I do want to have my peace coffee as soon as possible, but at the moment, it’s just war,”USA Today was informed by her.

Insider reached Antipina for comment but she did not respond immediately.

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