Trump Swooped in to the White House Photographer’s Book Deal


Donald Trump hijacked White House staff photographer Shealah Craighead’s book deal by taking her images and publishing them in a book of his own, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Published December 31, “Our Journey Together” makes Trump the first former president to attempt to personally profit from a White House photographer’s planned book.

The White House photographer has published a book of the most memorable images they took of Ronald Reagan since the time he was president.

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According to the article, Craighead had already secured a publishing deal – including a six-figure advance – when she notified the White House about the book. Trump also had agreed to write the foreword, as it is standard for presidents to do.

But her plan began to fall apart when Trump’s aides asked for a share of the profits for the forward and for helping promote the book. Later, her team asked her to postpone the publication of the book in order for Trump to publish his own book using Craighead’s work and other White House photographers. He received a multimillion dollar advance.

The book is Retailing up to $230The first 300,000 copies were sold at a price of $1 each, for an estimated $20 million in gross. It’s sold on the website of Winning Team Publishing, the company co-founded by Donald Trump Jr. and Republican campaign operative Sergio Gor.

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“President Trump has always had an eye for beautiful and engaging curation, which came alive through the pages of his book,”Taylor Budowich, Trump spokesperson, said in a statement to The Times.

The Times spoke to insiders that claimed Trump would insult Craighead’s photography skills and make fun of Craighead in front other guests.

Craighead, who is featured in a large part of the volume’s 317 pages, is not credited. The acknowledgments on page last list their names.

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Though White House insiders and photographers described Trump’s actions as “shame”And a “slap in the face,” the move isn’t illegal. According to federal law, photographs taken by White House staff photographers during a president’s tenure are in the public domain and not subject to copyright.

Craighead was a White House photographer under the George W. Bush administration. She told the Times that her book is currently on an indefinite hiatus.

“I stay apolitical as possible, as I am a neutral historical documentarian,”She spoke to the Times. “By staying neutral I am able to remain a keen observer.”

After Trump’s staff was interviewed for the Times article, he reached out to Craighead and offered to collaborate on another book in the future. He said that he was now willing to write the forward.

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