Todd Boehly appointed Interim CEO for the Hollywood Foreign Press Association


Todd Boehly, philanthropist and investor, has been named interim chief executive officer at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. As it seeks to expand its membership and implement reforms, Boehly will be the interim chief executive officer of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.

Boehly already has ties to the HFPA and a unique insight into the organization through his ownership of holding company Eldridge, which owns MRC and Dick Clark Prods., producer of Hollywood’s popular Golden Globes Awards. He is also chairman of MRC.

The HFPA has been embroiled in controversy since a Los Angeles Times report was published earlier this year revealing the group’s ethical lapses and lack of any Black journalists amongst its 87 members, which prompted broadcaster NBC to cancel the 2022 Globes ceremony.

Over the past several months, major changes have been made to the HFPA’s structure and bylaws. The group announced Friday that it would be adding 21 members to its ranks, which is the largest addition in its history. The new members include 48% of women, 29% Black, 24% Asians, 29% Latinos, 29% Latinos, and 19% Middle Eastern or North African.

Boehly will be in an interim position at HFPA and will oversee the reforms while assisting with the recruitment of permanent CEO candidates. Boehly plans to stay in his temporary job for up to six month. Boehly’s Eldridge bought Dick Clark Prods. When the HFPA was involved with a lawsuit over the company’s right to control the Globes telecast, it ended in a settlement. Boehly’s experience and efforts to settle the lawsuit earned him the respect of many HFPA members.

“Todd Boehly is already a partner of the HFPA who has consistently supported reforms and encouraged change from the beginning. As a results-driven businessman with a proven track record of success, his guidance as interim CEO will be instrumental in achieving meaningful change and greater diversity and inclusion,”Helen Hoehne, President of the HFPA, said in a statement. “As an entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist with deep roots in the Los Angeles community, he will make an ideal partner and leader for the HFPA as we complete our search for a permanent CEO.”

Boehly also owns the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Los Angeles Lakers.

MRC VarietyPenske Media Company is a parent company and operates a publishing joint venture as well as a strategic content partnership.


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