This map shows which states are most obsessed with pumpkin spice in the United States.


This map shows which states are most obsessed with pumpkin spice in the United States.

Congratulations, autumnal enthusiasts: It’s finally fall! This means it’s officially appropriate to sip pumpkin spice while sporting sepia-toned sweaters and watching the leaves turn crimson and carmine. We already Learn more you couldn’t wait (and probably started drinking your apple crisp macchiato in August, when it was unveiled), because Instacart found that cyber queries for “pumpkin spice” spiked earlier than ever before this year — surging in July.

“Many people already have fall on their mind and are looking forward to seasonal flavors,” Laurentia Romaniuk, Instacart’s trends expert, said at the time, adding that while “pumpkin spice momentum has already started to pick up, searches via Instacart tend to peak at the same time each year in early October, and we expect a similar pattern this year.”

Now that we’ve reached peak-pumpkin season, we’re diving deeper into the gourd’s popularity: which pumpkin spice products are the most prominent — and where?


Instacart reports that pumpkin spice coffee creamers are the most in-demand pumpkin products. Instacart sells nearly half the pumpkin spice products that are made with pumpkin spice coffee creamer.

Let’s get to our favorite part. Which country is buying most pumpkin spice? Instacart calculated online that West Virginia, Iowa and North Carolina were the top pumpkin buyers, while Wisconsin, Washington D.C. and Louisiana bought the fewest. I think we know where we want to go pumpkin picking…


“It should come as no surprise that West Virginia buys the most pumpkin spice products per capita since it’s a destination known for its incredible fall foliage and stunning autumnal landscapes,”Instacart commented on the findings. “On the other hand, it’s always summer on the tropical Hawaiian islands, which explains why they’re least likely to jump on the fall pumpkin spice bandwagon.”

Happy autumn y’all, and be sure to check out the fall foliage predictor here.


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