These are the best jokes and memes about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock

Which film was awarded Best Picture? Who were the winners of the best actress and actor awards? At this point, no-one really knows or cares – there’s only one thing people will remember from this year’s Oscars.

Will Smith entered the arena and swung his palm at Chris Rock in one the songs. ‘ugliest moments’In the history of the awards, last night.

The Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles provided the feed. Millions around the globe were then able to view it. But viewers in Australia, Japan and Japan saw a clearer picture. In fact, the raw footage from the bizarre incident was shared online.

After being hit, a visibly shocked Rock stated: “Will Smith just smacked the s*** out of me.”

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Smith, who was visibly furious, then shouted: “Keep my wife’s name, out of your f***ing mouth.”

It came after Rock began making GI JaneSmith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith was made fun of by his jokes. Given his wife’s long hair, he was probably upset. She’s been suffering from alopecia for many years.

“It was a GI Jane joke,”Smith was angrily shouting the same response, Rock stated.

“That was the greatest night in the history of television,” he then added, clearly dazed by what had just happened.

As you can imagine, it’s all the internet is talking about after the ceremony and social media had a field day in the aftermath – here are some of the best reactions.

Smith was then awarded Best Actor. King RichardHe referred to a piece Denzel Washington had just offered him 15 minutes after the incident.

“I’m being called on in my life to love people and to protect people and to be a river to my people,”Smith stated. “I know, to do what we do, we’ve gotta be able to take abuse. You’ve gotta be able to have people talk crazy about you. In this business, you’ve gotta be able to have people disrespecting you. You’ve gotta smile and pretend that that’s okay.

“Denzel said to me a few minutes ago”Washington added: “‘In your highest moments, be careful, that’s when the devil comes for you’.”

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