The meaning of Bunny Deer Fox Cat Pretty TikTok

Discover the meaning behind Bunny Pretty (also known as Deer Pretty), Fox Pretty (also called Fox Pretty), and Cat Pretty.

April has been full of fun trends, from Tyler, the Creator fans discovering if they’re an ‘okokok’ or ‘lalala’ person to the funny Gender Swap Filter.

TikTok has been a great tool for users to share their secret feelings using numerical codes.

Now, ‘Bunny, Deer, Fox and Cat’ videos are taking over the app. If you’re confused, here’s the whole thing explained…

Bunny Deer Fox Cat Pretty Meaning

The viral trend says that every woman is a specific type of ‘pretty’ – either bunny, deer, fox, or cat.

People on TikTok believe that all girls look similar to one of four animals.

Each animal is beautiful in its own unique way, but the type of ‘pretty’ you are differs depending on your facial features.

Many share their videos on social media and ask others to determine which they are, but it’s not always easy.

Find out what type you are

Which type of ‘pretty’ you are is open to interpretation and one person could think you’re a bunny, while another could say fox.

You can find out which of the four you are most like by examining your facial characteristics, including eyes, face shapes, cheeks, and lips.

Bunnies are adorable and deer have big, open, beautiful eyes. Foxes are larger-faced, while cats have smaller noses.

Essentially, all you have to do is work out which of the animals you look like most and that’s the type of ‘pretty’ you are.

You play a role too

The trend may be largely based on appearance, but your personality can also have a major impact.

Each one is unique and has different traits. They can reflect your personality. These are words that describe each one:

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