Ten Bastille Day memes to make history lovers laugh

There’s no better way to commemorate French independence by looking at our list of French memes and Bastille Day humor.

Everyone who celebrates Bastille Day has a happy Bastille Day. It is a very exciting date in the French calendar. As fireworks illuminate the skies, each year the internet comes alive with jokes, one-liners, and memes related to the revolution. To mark the occasion, we’ve collated a list of the 10 best memes to help you celebrate Bastille Day, and we’ve even thrown in a few festive jokes too.

Bastille Day Memes: The Best!

Social media allows the creative minds to always have a ready-made collection of memes for every occasion. This includes national holidays.

French Twitter pops off every July 14, with some Amercians even chiming in with some 4th of July-style banter, and as you can probably imagine, the theme is mainly ‘la révolution’…

Bastille Day jokes were made on Facebook, TikTok and other social media platforms, too. One clever example was the mention of an indie rock band with the same name. Why didn’t we think of this?

French memes for patriotic feelings

Patriotism is never higher in France than on Bastille Day, so why not compound that feeling of pride with a few lighthearted memes about Europe’s most sophisticated nation, courtesy of TikTok:

Our favorite Bastille Day jokes

And finally, so we don’t send you home empty-handed, here are a few of our favorite Bastille Day jokes that you can try out on your friends, courtesy of MyTownTutors:

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