Taking paracetamol while pregnant ‘can harm your baby’s development’, new study warns


TAKING paracetamol while pregnant ‘can harm your baby’s development’, a new study has warned.

It can lead to neurodevelopmental issues in the child, including ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and autism.

You should consult your doctor about taking medication during pregnancy


You should consult your doctor about taking medication during pregnancyCredit: Getty – Contributor

Other potential risks include lower IQ and infertility, say scientists.

A team of international researchers reviewed 26 years worth of studies on human, animal and cell line cells.

Corresponding author Prof David Kristensen, of the University of Copenhagen, said: “Many suggest paracetamol can alter foetal development.”

It is the most common over the counter pill taken by pregnant women. Two thirds of pregnant women use it to treat fever or pain.

It disrupts hormones in a manner similar to phthalates, which are controversial chemicals that make plastic flexible and soft.

Experts say the findings do not change the recommendation for the drug’s use during pregnancy.

Dr Sarah Stock, Consultant Maternal and Fetal medicine, University of Edinburgh Usher Institute said: “The team did a good job of bringing together evidence. However, a lot of that evidence isn’t strong enough to draw any conclusions about paracetamol usage in pregnancy, especially if it’s only occasionally. This could lead to developmental problems in humans.

“Paracetamol is effective at reducing pain and fever, and so continues to be an important medicine that pregnant people should use if needed.

“Of course, pregnant or not, no-one should take a medication unnecessarily, for longer than necessary or at a higher dose than needed.”

The NHS states that paracetamol can safely be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

According to the NHS, most medications taken during pregnancy can cross the placenta and reach baby.

Official guidance states: “Before taking any medicine when you’re pregnant, including painkillers, check with your pharmacist, midwife or GP that it’s suitable.”

Co author Professor Shanna Swan, of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, said: “It lowers testosterone. It should be regarded as an endocrine disrupting chemical.”

The hormone is key to healthy male reproduction. One study showed that paracetamol-using women were more likely than others to have undescended boys, raising the possibility of future problems.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in the UK says that paracetamol can be safely used by expectant mothers if they absolutely have to.

Prof Swan stated: “There is now a substantial body of evidence that paracetamol disrupts both the reproductive development in animals and humans, decreasing fertility and sperm counts.

“It is similar in action to a class of chemicals called phthalates – sharing many of the same properties.”

Prof Swan said that there is evidence paracetamol may reduce fertility in females.


It is considered the safest analgesic for pregnant women and children but mounting evidence has linked prenatal exposure to poorer cognitive performance and behavioural problems.

Ann Bauer, University of Massachusetts Lowell co-author, said that paracetamol is more dangerous during pregnancy than in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

These were primarily ADHD and autism spectrum disorders, language delays as well as decreased IQ, conduct disorders, and language delays.

Paracetamol is used by up to 65 percent of pregnant women in the United States. This is particularly worrying.

“Even a slight increase in risk could result in a large number affected children.

“We call for government and gynaecological associations to conduct new safety reviews of the neurological affects of paracetamol.”

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