Storage of leftovers by husband in Fridge using garbage bag


A woman in a viral video shared her husband’s method of storing leftovers after dinner. He used a trash bag rather than food wrap. Read on for more details.

Chrissy Bobic - Author

Couples often joke about doing something wrong to allow the other person to do it in the future. One husband, who posted on TikTok with his wife Mia took things to another level.@Gigglesandgrumps). She posted a TikTok explaining how her husband kept food after she asked him to store leftover raviolis in the fridge. He used a garbage bag that was scented.

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Mia’s man chose a garbage bag when he could’ve used anything, such as, oh, I don’t remember, foil, plastic wrap or an empty container. She used the hashtag “weaponized-incompetence” in the TikTok video. It’s a perfect way to describe his apparent purposeful mistake in packaging leftovers for storage.

Man with leftovers at an open refrigerator
Source: Getty Images

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The husband in this case is not the only one to put leftovers into a bag of garbage or something like that.

We want to be clear about one thing. Mia’s husband hasn’t been the first to store leftovers in a logical way. He won’t either. It doesn’t lessen her frustration. The video shows her explaining that she told her husband to throw away the left-overs, even though she was unable to understand what she meant. How to get started He would.

Mia’s TikTok Video says, “I told my husband yesterday to throw away leftovers.” “It’s ravioli. It’s a bag of trash.

There are many people who I feel I can speak on behalf of when I state that The following are some of the most common questions that people ask. It was another alternative for him to consider before resorting to the large garbage bag.

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She takes out the white garbage bag that conceals the leftover bowl. In case you were wondering, the leftovers are still good. Scent Could this be any worse? The answer to this question is that the flavors of leftovers are affected.

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Mia said in her comments and TikTok that she had posted afterwards that the left-overs were not very tasty and her husband was the one who ate them.

Mia wrote under another video: “For anyone who is interested in knowing what he thought of the flower-scented ravioli.” He tried it yesterday. “It was worse than you thought.” He got his karma, didn’t he?

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The comments under the video encourage the woman to reconsider her marriage.

Mia’s hashtag on the first TikTok app was “weaponized Incompetence.” The phrase refers to a case where one spouse deliberately completes a chore or task poorly in order to make their partner do it from then on. It’s difficult to tell if Mia and her husband do this on a regular basis, but the trash bag left behind will have a long-lasting impact.

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Some users even urged Mia to divorce her husband in their comments on TikTok. Okay, so I won’t say that. I mean, OK. It is a good idea to use a bilingual translator There are some things that deserve a discussion or two.

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Divorce was a comment made by a user. He’ll continue to ignore you and your loved ones.” Once again, neither I nor anyone else in the audience has any authority to make such an assertion, but we’re here. Another comment said: “Just do it already.”

In a way, the garbage bag leftover fiasco is just that — a ridiculous fiasco that could very well be a one-off thing. However, I can imagine how angry I’d be if I had to do something simple for my husband and it became a task. The following are some of the ways to improve your own ability..


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