Steve Harvey Recalls What It’s Been Like Sharing A Birthday With Betty White Over The Years


Steve Harvey Recalls What It’s Been Like Sharing A Birthday With Betty White Over The Years

It’s not uncommon for varying celebrities to share birthdays. Marvel stars Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo and Mark Gustaf celebrate the same day. Betty White and Steve Harvey also shared the same day. White reached milestones Harvey said he hopes to achieve in the future. This week is January 17th. Steve Harvey, the new dapper SteveHe reflected on the day he shared it with the star. Just shy of her 100th birthday, she died.

Talking about the Steve Harvey Morning ShowSteve and the gang discussed Betty White’s 99th birthday in the 2022 episode. Steve also noted that they shared the same birthday. Celebrity Family Feud host mentioning “she was just a few weeks away”When the milestone century mark was achieved, the Golden GirlsStar passed away. The news came just 17 days short of her shared birthday. While Harvey didn’t get into his feelings beyond a general sad-about-her-passing vibe during the segment, this wasn’t actually the first time Harvey has spoken out about sharing a birthday with Betty White.

Back in 2018, on Betty White’s 96th birthday, Steve Harvey opened up on Steve Harvey about their shared birthday on January 17th and how White always trends on that day while he doesn’t, though he also said she’s given him goals for his own aging future.

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 61. That was a great feeling. While surfing the Internet, I noticed Betty White was a popular trend. Because Betty White – I’ve known her for a long time – we have the exact same birthday. Mine wasn’t trending. Betty White’s birthday was trending, because Betty White turned 96 years old. Man, she’s still so sharp. Betty White interview still sharp, man. I would like to reach 96 someday. My goal is 104, but I’m looking forward to 96. Yes, indeed.

White’s sharpness in interviews was noted by comedians and actors like Ryan Reynolds and her fans alike. Harvey could have had worse things than being outshined every year on his birthday. In fact, Steve Harvey seemed a bit in awe of White and mentioned at the time that there’s something about getting up toward 100 that’s really special. He even mentioned White’s existence during an episode of his daytime talk program.

She was born in 1922. In 1922. Betty White is thus older than most things. 1922, you’ve been here for a while, man. Betty White is more than sliced bread. Listen to me. Sliced bread first appeared in 1928. Sliced bread was first introduced in 1928. Before this, you had to cut off the loaf of bread to make a sandwich. You’d just tear another end off, find the peanut butter and just mash it together. She is older than the sliced bread man. Hearing aids were invented in 1923. Betty White is older that hearing aids. When they first said ‘Say what?’ they wasn’t trying to be cool; they really couldn’t hear you.

It’s worth noting Betty White lived through myriad wars and changes in the TV landscape, including the notable time she defied the network’s expectations and put a Black tap dancer, Arthur Duncan, on TV. She also survived. Early days of COVID-19 & Quarantine. She witnessed a lot in her time here on earth, and many more. Many paid tribute to her after she died.

There were plenty of ongoing plans to celebrate Betty White’s 100th prior to the announcement the actress and comedienne had died at 99 on December 31. A splashy magazine cover featured her. A A TV special was originally planned, and it is still in developmentIt will still remember the star. And Harvey, for the first time in his soon-to-be 65 years, will celebrate a birthday without Betty White, though one would have to expect she’ll very much still be trending this year.


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