Sal, Q, & Murr discuss their favorite punishments


Sal, Q, & Murr discuss their favorite punishments

The challenge of keeping “Impractical Jokers”, a cast that has been on air for over 10 years, engaged is a difficult one. The secret to staying fresh doesn’t have to be complicated.

Joe Gatto, former Tenderloin and Joker member Joe Gatto speaks with Den of Geek During the production of Season 5, there were many challenges. Gatto, when asked how they maintain the show’s identity while keeping ideas fresh, admits that “most of the challenge” is to choose a good format. “We’re eager to try new things.” Sal, who was wearing a vest with thousands of jingle-bells and was asked to throw his pants in someone else’s grocery cart while wearing the vest during Season 5, fits into this category. He says that the idea was simple, silly and fun.

Gatto, a commentator, says, “The fun is still going on and the ideas aren’t over yet.” “We always said that when we stopped having fun, it was over.” This never-ending joy is what keeps the Jokers on the air and spreads to the fans.


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