People say teachers ‘shouldn’t post pictures like that’ on social media when they see my bikini photos but I don’t care

TEACHER, who loves to share her experiences on social media. She hasn’t allowed her professional path to dictate how she uses social media.

Instead she posts freely on Instagram photos of bikinis or other trendy pieces.

A teacher has shared that people say she shouldn't post the type of pictures she does on her social media


One teacher shared with me that she has been told by others not to post photos she takes on social media.Credit: TikTok/ missjackson_in3rd
She doesn't seem to care though, as she freely posts photos while wearing a bikini


It doesn’t matter to her, though. She freely shares photos of herself in a bikini.Credit: TikTok/ missjackson_in3rd

Bri Jackson@missjackson_in3rdThe teacher, ) (25-years-old), is located in Ohio.

It is a passion for her to be a teacher, and she feels fulfilled that her long-held dream of teaching in elementary schools has been realized.

She is passionate about fashion, travel, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

You will find a lot of information about her travels and the things she does.[tries] You want to lead a happy, fulfilled life.

She shared her TikTok comment about what type of photos she posts to social media, and she now has more than 50,000 followers.

The blonde beauty said that teachers shouldn’t upload photos like this on social media. Submitted In a TikTok Video

After shrugging suggesting it was not a major deal for her, she showed a collection of visually pleasing photos that were similar to those on her Instagram.

A variety of brightly colored swimsuits were worn by her, including one-pieces with bold patterns, tops that showed off her stomach and bikinis that showered her legs, as well fashionable outfits for going out.

Responding to the critique of her photos, she wrote: “Hey… I like fashion,” in her video’s caption.

Support for her decisions was overwhelming from the comment section.

“One hundred per cent. As teachers, we need to stop catering to society’s expectations of what we ‘should’ do,” a fellow educator wrote.

A second “Queen” was added.

A third said, “Heck yes!”

“Queen sh*t. I want to make my Insta public so bad but I teach high school.”

“Normalize the fact that teachers are human.”

One final person voiced their opinion with a clapping emoticon followed by an heart.

She loves being a teacher and is happy to have fulfilled her lifelong dream of teaching elementary school


It is a passion for her to be a teacher, and she feels fulfilled that she has achieved the goal of teaching elementary schools.Credit: TikTok/ missjackson_in3rd
In addition to teaching, she has "a passion for fashion, traveling, and living a healthy lifestyle"


She is a teacher, but she also has a passion for fashion and traveling.Credit: TikTok/ missjackson_in3rd
She posts a lot about traveling and how she "[tries] to live a healthy, balanced life"


You will find a lot of information about her travels and the things she does.[tries] To live a balanced, healthy lifeCredit: TikTok/ missjackson_in3rd
She wore an assortment of trendy bright swimsuits including a bold patterned one-piece, and a bandeau top bikini that bared her stomach


An assortment of fashionable bright swimsuits, including a bold-patterned one-piece and a top bikini with bandeau that showed off her stomach were on display.Credit: TikTok/ missjackson_in3rd
People flooded her comments section with support for her decisions


Her comments were filled with supportive messages.Credit: TikTok/ missjackson_in3rd

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