Netflix drops YOU Season 3 trailer – and here’s what we learned


Netflix drops YOU Season 3 trailer – and here’s what we learned

Netflix has finally dropped the hotly-anticipated Season 3 trailer for ‘YOU’ – and boy, are we all in for a treat.

Released on Friday, Netflix took to their official Twitter account with an intense two-minute trailer of the psychological thriller series along with a tweet that read:

“… and baby makes three. What could go wrong?”

… Judging from the clip, a lot.

After getting married and giving birth to a baby, the new trailer gives us a glimpse into Joe (Penn Badgley) and Love’s (Victoria Pedretti) move to Northern California after he unconvincingly refers to the couple as “the nice, normal neighbours next door.”

The clip opens with serial killer Joe saying, “In my history of scared, this is the most scared I’ve ever been,” as the camera cuts to his wife and newborn.

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“I’ve always believed in The One, but being your dad is changing me. For you, I’d move to some soulless suburb.”

According to the Netflix synopsis, Joe is “committed to his new role as a husband and dad” – though we beg to differ. Their child can be seen sitting in a chair at what appears to have been a crime scene.

Have they already made their newborn a witness and accessory to murder?

Joe appears to be back to his old tricks after he makes a new friend with a female neighbor. A portion of the clip shows Joe and the new friend clinking glasses in his kitchen before one falls to the floor.

“Oh no, this is bad, so now I have you”He says, as he fires his laptop up and rekindles his creepy stalking ways.

The newlyweds then appear to take up couples therapy after a jealous rage from Love’s behalf.

“You’re many things, but you are not murderers”The therapist then tells the couple.

(Twitter )

Who is going to tell her?

Twitter is already branding the upcoming series the ‘craziest yet’ and people were quick to jump on the app to share their excitement.

Season 3 of YOU will be available on October 15th with 10 episodes.

Netflix has Series 1 & 2 available for streaming.


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