A woman has received tons of awful comments for threatening his neighbor for “anti-social” activity, which includes sunbathing in the communal space in a bikini. The neighbor took to his Reddit account to post the woman’s pictures, and the post has received mixed reviews.

A woman was spotted sunbathing in the communal garden of a society and a woman found it ridiculous. She sought assistance to end these activities through her Reddit account. She appeared pretty much irritated due to her neighbor’s actions and wanted to report her. The woman, being an active member of the apartment, strongly disapproved of her fellow resident enjoying sunbathing in the communal garden.
The woman clearly mentioned in her post that she lives in an area with a purely “divine”, “desirable”, “peaceful” and “ornamental” communal garden. Though every resident possesses equal rights to the garden and it was solely designed for entertainment purposes, the woman strongly opposed such activity from her fellow resident. She claimed that all residents are alloted balconies for their personal activities.
She further revealed her experience. She quoted that one fine day she was simply stunned witnessing a woman lying down on a blanket in her bikini, enjoy a sunbath. The Reddit user highlighted, “She brings a blanket and a book and spends there for hours, reading and enjoying a sunbath, in a bikini top and shorts.”

Once she approved the woman with complaints to stop these activities, to which the latter passed some arrogant replies. She claimed to be a resident of the same apartment and explained that every resident has equal rights in the communal space. She further revealed that she is a new member, and the garden attracted her to join the apartment. At around 4 PM, the woman moved back to her house, which confirmed she was true to her claims. However, it was still disturbing to witness a woman lying down in a bikini from morning 10 to afternoon 4, so the woman decided to take steps to stop this.

The complainant quickly captured some pictures of the sunbathing woman and shared them with the homeowner’s group on WhatsApp. She urged other homeowners to join her and take strict action against her “anti-social” behaviors.
However, some Reddit users opposed her and said, if she is not breaking any community rules, it’s completely her call to enjoy her life. But, if she is guilty, the woman should report her to the landlord and force him to take action against her sunbathing activities.