My wife’s stomach started hurting


A mother-of-two noticed her stomach hurting while on vacation and decided to blame her husband.

Simon Eaves and Pia believed it was due to overdoing it with the drinking and eating, but they decided to have it examined.

Simon Eaves has told how he tragically lost his beloved wife within a year of her diagnosis


Simon Eaves shared the story of how he lost his wife, Jennifer, within one year of her diagnosisCredit: dmg Media Licensing

Simon has shared how his wife, a personal trainer, was diagnosed at 53 with pancreatic cancer.

He stated that she did not show any other symptoms, except the stomachache.

After describing her pain to her GP, she was referred to a specialist to have a scan before the tragic news reached the couple.

Simon Metro: I remember the date of that second appointment well: Monday 26 October 2020 – it turned out to be the worst day of my life.

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“The doctor informed us that Pia had developed pancreatic cancer. We were stunned. This happened to us never imagined. Pia was a personal trainer, and a fitness instructor so she was very fit. We just couldn’t understand why this had happened to us.

“We made a vow to defeat the disease in order to be with our children.”unfortunately it didn’t work out that way.

“Tragically, Pia passed away on 8 September 2021 – just over 10 months from her first diagnosis. It’s horrendous that she has been taken away from us so early.”

After being introduced at school, they have been together for 27+years.

Simon now wants to spread awareness about the condition which has the lowest survival rates of all common cancers.

He is partnering with his two daughters to start a business. A series of fundraising walksIn Memory of Pai, his “soulmate”.

Common symptoms include back and abdominal pain, unexplained weight gain and jaundice.

You may also experience the following symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Changes in bowel habits like diarrhoea, constipation
  • indigestion
  • nausea and vomiting
  • Trouble swallowing

Tragically, survival rates in England & Wales have not improved over the past 40 years. They are among the lowest for all cancers. This is partly due to the fact that it is often diagnosed late.

You should be aware of the following symptoms: back pain, indigestion stomach pain, weight loss and stomach pain

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You must see your GP if you have been suffering from any of these conditions for longer than four weeks.

Pancreatic Cancer UK the charity urges anyone with jaundice, the yellowing of skin or eyes, should go to A&E straight away.

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