Mum warns parents to check babies’ fingers & toes or they could lose them after realising why tot wouldn’t stop crying


A MUM has stressed how important it is to check your baby’s fingers and toes, after working out why her tot wouldn’t stop crying all night.

After realizing that her baby had been crying all night, the mom issued a warning to other parents.

A mum is urging other parents to regularly check their babies' fingers and toes


A mum is urging other parents to regularly check their babies’ fingers and toesCredit: TikTok/@riss_237
She explained that her baby was crying all night long and they had no idea why


She explained that her baby was crying all night long and they had no idea why

Sharing her discovery on TikTok, she urged other parents to always check their babies’ fingers and toes or else they could lose them if a wrapped hair goes unnoticed.

The mum shared her story with over 2.6 million people. She explained that her child was crying all night and that she didn’t know why.

“We couldn’t find the reason for the crying all night, we tried everything,” She insisted before showing a close-up of her child’s painful toe.

It was swollen and bright red, with the mum explaining: “Next day, we found a few hairs wrapped around two toes.”

“Make it a habit to check your babies’ fingers and toes,” she stressed, before sharing an update in the caption of her post in a bid to raise awareness.

The mum revealed her tot’s toes were now doing much better, as she shared: “Thank god we noticed when we did! Toes are doing better!”

Hundreds commented on the video, with many revealing the same had happened to them with their children.

“This is why my mum would cut her hair short before she gave birth to my brother and I,” One person commented.

Another said: “Literally my biggest fear. I’m gonna obsessively check for hairs.”

A third wrote: “It happened to me! I have a scar on my toe still… almost fell off.”

One shocked viewer wrote: “Hairs cause this? JESUS CHRIST.”

Others advised always checking the baby’s genitalia and their socks too, with one person adding: “Always check the inside of baby socks as well, lots of string and hairs collect in them in the washer.”

Hair getting wrapped around a toe, finger or genitalia is known as a hair tourniquet and if it goes unnoticed, it can lead to injury or the baby losing the affected body part, according to Healthline.

It can also cause complications like ischemia (a condition in which blood flow is restricted to a particular part of the body).

What are the symptoms and what is a hair-tourniquet?

What is a hair-tourniquet?

Hair tourniquets occur when a strand or hair is caught between the fingers, toes and genitalia of a baby. They can cause serious complications if they aren’t noticed.

A hair caught in a tourniquet can cause swelling and injury to the area.

What are the symptoms for hair tourniquets in babies?

Healthline lists a number of factors to look out for that could be a sign of a hair tourniquet, including:

  • excessive crying
  • red or discoloured finger, toe, genitalia, umbilical stump, or tongue
  • mild to severe swelling of the affected body party
  • an indentation or groove on the affected body party, even if no hair is visible


If your baby has a hair stuck, it’s important to seek medical advice in order to remove the hair – once done, the affected area tends to heal quite quickly.

Tweezers can be used to remove hair tourniquets. However, it is possible for the area to become too swollen and the hair not easily visible.

A hair removal cream is the easiest way to get rid.

To avoid hair becoming caught, tie long hair around your baby and check their fingers and toes regularly.

You should also check clothing that has loose threads as they can catch a thread or string.

The following day, they noticed hairs were caught around two of the tot's toes


The following day, they noticed hairs were caught around two of the tot’s toesCredit: TikTok/@riss_237
It caused the toes to swell and become bright red in colour, as the hair began to restrict blood flow


It caused the toes to swell and become bright red in colour, as the hair began to restrict blood flowCredit: TikTok/@riss_237
Raising awareness, they explained that if unnoticed such caught hairs can cause serious injury or even loss of the affected body part


Raising awareness, they explained that if unnoticed such caught hairs can cause serious injury or even loss of the affected body partCredit: TikTok/@riss_237

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