Mum transforms her daughter’s tiny box room into a rainbow wonderland with a TREEHOUSE and she only spent £40


A THRIFTY mum-of-two has turned her daughter’s box bedroom into a rainbow-themed space complete with a custom treehouse bed – and it cost her just £40.

Kelly Beagley, a 32-year old Northamptonshire student midwife, wanted more space for her daughter Jessica, three years old.

Kelly created a and her daughter Jessica,


Kelly created a and her daughter Jessica,Credit: Jam Press
Jessica's bedroom before the makeover


Jessica’s bedroom before the makeoverCredit: Jam Press

She purchased a £10 toddler bed frame from a charity shop, five pieces of stud work timber from Wickes at £5 each, and tester paint pots for 50p each.

Kelly used two IKEA Kallax units she had at home. She also used wood from Jessica’s old bed, a rug, and a second-hand wardrobe.

Kelly started by placing the Kallax units onto the floor. This was to serve as the base for the toddler’s bed frame.

Next, Kelly placed a portion of Jessica’s bed on top of the units. Finally, she secured the timber to the walls.

Kelly created a little roof using wood from her old bed. This was attached to the ceiling and front of the bed that featured a window.

Kelly then painted rainbows on the walls.

The entire bedroom renovation took three days to complete, costing Kelly just £40.

She stated that Jessica was very excited and sat down on her bed to tell Kelly how beautiful her bedroom looked.

“We had debated doing this room for a while and so if I were to give anyone advice, I would say to just take the plunge and do it because it’s so much better now.

“There are lots of videos and ideas online so even if you’re unsure on something, you can find the help and answers easily.”

The photos she posted of her daughter’s bedroom remodel were liked by over 2,900 people.

One wrote: “Such an amazing change adorable little room!”

Another added: “Looks amazing! Well done!”

Someone else said: “Ummm…you can be my mom. I’m 44, but I’d still LOVE THIS!!!!”

A fourth said: “Wow. What a great idea/job. Well done to you and your partner.” [sic]

A fifth added: “Fantastic use of the space wow.”

The bedroom has a rainbow theme


The bedroom has a rainbow themeCredit: Jam Press
Jessica loves her new bedroom


Jessica loves her new bedroomCredit: Jam Press

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