MTV Challenge Can Competitors Fessy Shafaat Trust Kaycee Clark?


Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for Episode 4 of The Challenge: Spies, Lies, & Allies.

When MTV’s The Challenge, Season 37, Spies, Lies and Allies debuted it seemed that the Big Brother alliance was in full effect. Kaycee Clark, Josh Martinez, and Fessy Shafaat came into the new season having each other’s back just like they did in Season 36. Amber Borzotra expressed interest in joining the alliance, and she told Josh that she could prove to be a valuable asset given how she performed last season. Kaycee and Fessy resisted Amber B’s invitation to join the alliance, even though Josh was keen to.

In Episode 4, things came to a head during elimination when Fessy voted Amber in with the support of Kaycee, which completely blindsided Josh and Amber. The entire cast witnessed Josh start arguing with Fessy right before the elimination. Things got heated. Josh stated that he was abandoning Fessy because of his history of betraying his friends.

When Josh spoke to Kaycee about the betrayal, she told him she didn’t understand why he was so invested in Amber B and that she didn’t want any part of this drama. Fessy now has another person to campaign for Josh’s elimination. Fessy might not trust Kaycee as his veteran ally to get him there. Is Fessy able to trust Kaycee this season? Let’s see what our thoughts are.

MTV Challenge Can Competitors Fessy Shafaat Trust Kaycee Clark?

Can Fessy be trusted by Kaycee, a fellow competitor on ‘The Challenge?

During The Challenge: Double Agents, Kaycee dumped her partner Leroy Garrett to run the final with Fessy. Kaycee got hurt, which partially cost her and Fessy their million-dollar prize. During the reunion special, Fessy pretty much blamed their defeat on his partner’s knee injury. Ultimately, what got the two eliminated from the finale was that Fessy gave up after Kaycee was hurt — he refused to compete in the eating challenge.

Now that Kaycee is in a newfound romance with Challenge veteran Nany Gonzalez, she could have a stronger alliance with Nany than with Fessy. We’re sure Kaycee hasn’t forgotten how Fessy threw her under the bus last season and would have Nany’s back versus Fessy’s if it came down to it. It is common in this game to backstab one’s friends to get to the end.

Fessy has backstabbed quite a few people in the past, and Kaycee is way too smart to let Fessy mess up her chances of getting to the finale. It’s quite possible that Kaycee could be just using Fessy to make it further, and when the time is right, he’ll be given a dose of his own medicine.

Fessy has been known to destroy alliances in ‘The Challenge’ before.

Fessy has totally lived up to his Challenge nickname “Messy Fessy.” Last season on Episode 4 of The Challenge: Double Agents, Fessy betrayed Nelson Thomas, even though they were in an alliance together. Because it was a women’s elimination day, the house voted Amber Martinez and Nelson into elimination. Tori Deal originally planned to challenge Amber for a chance to win a gold skull.

However, when they saw that the elimination would be the game hall brawl, Fessy whispered to Tori that he wanted to go against Nelson himself. Nelson was completely blindsided when he had to face Fessy during elimination. He was, however, sent home. The rest of the alliance became upset at Fessy’s shady move and decided to go their own way after realizing they could not trust him. In a post-elimination interview with Entertainment Weekly, Nelson discussed the betrayal.

“What did I do for a friend to backstab me in the way that he did, especially after we worked together last season and we got so close?” he asked.

Fessy has burned bridges and thrown others under the bush a time or two throughout his Challenge career. For this season’s finale, Fessy may need to find a new alliance. It will be interesting to see what happens in the remaining episodes and if Kaycee is trustworthy.

The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies air on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST on MTV.