Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly celebrate their engagement in an Absolutely Wild Way


Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly celebrate their engagement in an Absolutely Wild Way

After Accept the proposal, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly did what most couples have never done before — drank each other’s blood. “And just as in every lifetime before this one, and as in every lifetime that will follow it, I said yes … and then we drank each other’s blood. 1.11.22,”Fox completed writingon her Instagram.

It may seem odd that blood is part of their relationship. After all, it’s not the only time they have discussed blood. Fox starred in the original episode of The Twilight Zone, which was when the couple became legally married.Kelly’s “Bloody Valentine”Video musicBut, “blood”Kelly revealed that Fox gifted Kelly a necklace with a drop her blood last May. Kelly was about to film in Bulgaria, but it wasn’t enough. “Some people give, like, a handkerchief to their partner or whatever. She gave me her DNA,” He shared his thoughts with Ellen DeGeneres.

Kelly and Fox are now engaged, but they have taken their relationship to the next level by sharing one another’s blood. Although they haven’t yet revealed their relationship, the two are expected to do so. Really drank each other’s blood after their engagement — given their unconventional love language in the past — it wouldn’t be too out of the norm for these two.


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