Little Girl Celebrating Her Birthday Alone Sees Ten Tall Men on Her Doorstep — Story of the Day

Lucia, Mia’s mother organized a party to celebrate her tenth anniversary. But the poor girl was defeated when no one showed up. Lucia made ten tall men appear at their doors by doing something unusual.

“Honey, don’t worry. People will get here soon enough,”Lucia assured Mia that Lucia would be there for her, as she was still waiting in the living room. Because basketball was Mia’s favorite, decorations were placed throughout the house. She was also a member of the school basketball team, so she was thrilled for her classmates to visit to celebrate her birthday.

Mia was anxious because she had invited people at 2 p.m. but no one showed up by 3:00 p.m. Lucia tried to smile and reassure her daughter that people would attend, although she was also skeptical.

The living room was decorated in balloons, streamers, as well as basketball paraphernalia.Source: Pexels | Source: Pexels

She invited people who lived near Chicago. It didn’t make sense why no one showed up. These were 10-year-olds, and not teens or adults who believed the term. “fashionably late.”

“Mom! Finally, someone arrived!” Mia cheered, and Lucia looked at her with a half-grin, knowing that wasn’t true.

“Are you sure, Mom? We’ve been waiting a long time,” Mia pursed her lips at her mother.

“I’m sure, honey. Everything will be great, and you’re going to have such a fun time,” Lucia assured her, her smile plastered despite her heart’s worries.

An hour later, Mia watched a basketball game on her iPad while Lucia pulled back the curtains and looked outside. No one was coming. She knew that now, and looking at her daughter’s defeated expression as she focused on the small screen, Lucia realized her little girl knew it too.

Lucia went to her room to call some people and find out why no one had come. | Source: Pexels

“I’m going to call some of the moms, sweetheart. Maybe they didn’t get the right address,” Lucia stated, grabbing her phone.

Mia looked at her mother with sad eyes and shook her head. “No, Mom. They’re not coming. It’s okay,” she shrugged her shoulders and focused back on the screen.

Lucia wanted to cry. Her daughter was a good kid. She didn’t deserve this. Why didn’t her friends come? It wasn’t fair. “I’m still going to make some calls. I’ll be in my room. Call me if anyone arrives,” she said, and Mia nodded absentmindedly.

In her bedroom, Lucia made some calls to the few mothers she knew on the basketball team. All of them gave her stupid excuses, brushing Lucia off and hanging up quickly.

Lucia was on the verge of tears at this point, and it seemed hopeless. Mia was mature enough to act like nothing was wrong, but she knew her kid. She knew she would be devastated and wondered what she could do to cheer her up.

She finally decided to rant about the situation on Facebook. | Source: Pexels

Finally, she called her husband, Otis, who had to work that day and planned to arrive at the party later. She told him everything, and they decided to take Mia to her favorite pizza place that night to cheer her up. They could still open presents and have a lovely birthday with family only.

Still, Lucia felt impotent when she hung up on Otis. She needed to vent, to rant. So she pulled up Facebook and wrote a long post emphasizing that Mia was such a good kid and people should’ve called earlier if they couldn’t come. She ended her publication with her address, inviting anyone just so the snacks and drinks she bought wouldn’t go to waste.

When Otis arrived, he gave Mia a new basketball to try to make up for this fiasco. They were about to leave for the restaurant when their doorbell rang.

“Mom! Finally, someone arrived!”Mia cheered, while Lucia looked at Lucia, half-grinning, realizing that was not true.Source: PexelsSource: Pexels

Mia was excited when someone finally showed up at her party.Source: Pexels | Source: Pexels

She opened the door and her jaw dropped open. In a moment of panic, she called her husband to alert him that ten tall and fit men were outside. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”

The tallest one answered. “We’re here for the party!”The rest of the group cheered.

Lucia was shocked to see Otis, and Mia eventually came to the door. “Oh my god! You guys play basketball!”

Otis, Lucia and their daughter were taken aback by the sight of Lucia. Evidently, the men outside belonged to an unofficial team that was popular in their hometown. Although they weren’t pros, they were large enough to be followed by Mia on social media and she was thrilled to see them.

“Hey, Mia! We heard it’s your birthday, and we’re wondering if you want to play with us!”Another man asked her. Naturally, the child smiled enthusiastically. Lucia, still stunned by the whole situation, agreed to allow Mia’s parents to take her to the nearby court.

They went down the street to play basketball with Mia.Source: Pexels | Source: Pexels

They all went to court and began playing, while Lucia and Otis watched from the bleachers. Finally, one of the players sat down with them and introduced him.

“I’m Connor. I saw your post on Facebook, and I also noticed that your daughter commented on several of our pictures. So I asked the guys, and we came as quickly as we could. Every kid should have an amazing birthday.”

Lucia’s eyes were watering and she patted the man on the shoulder. “Thank you. Thank you so much. This probably means more to her than a normal party. She loves basketball so much,”She expressed her gratitude to the stranger who made her day special.

Connor smiled at her and nodded, before returning to playing.

Lucia brought refreshments and snacks to the court to share with everyone. Lucia also brought Mia the birthday cake, and the entire team sang for her.

Lucia brought the cake and they sang “Happy Birthday”At the court.Source: Pexels | Source: Pexels

“This is my best birthday EVER!”Mia cheered, jumping and clapping while Lucia gave everyone a piece. That was the only thing that mattered in the end. Lucia could not be happier.

Mia’s classmates and teammates apologised for not attending that week at school. They all thought a house party was boring so they decided not to go. Their moms told them to come up with excuses if they were asked. They saw pictures on her Instagram of Mia playing basketball alongside tall men and regretted their decision immediately. Mia was never left to celebrate her birthday by herself again.

What can we learn from this tale?

  • A Facebook post can motivate people to do positive things.We’ve seen social media change so much. Posts go viral and people’s lives are changed overnight. Mia celebrated her birthday by writing about it online.
  • If you are unable to attend an event, always call the hosts. Although a party for a 10-year-old child doesn’t require RSVP, it is polite to call so that they don’t waste time or money.

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This story was inspired from the daily lives of our readers. Any resemblance to real names or actual locations is only coincidental. Illustrations are provided for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life.

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