Last week, half of all admissions to Covid hospitals rose by half. This has raised fears about a new fall wave.


In a clear sign of the autumn wave, COVID hospital admissions jumped by half last week.

England’s number of new patients increased to 847 per hour last week, compared with 574 per hour the week before.

Covid hospital admissions shot up by half last week in a sure sign of an autumn wave


In a clear sign of the autumn wave, admissions to covid hospitals jumped by half last week.Credit: Getty

And the number of positive patients in hospital has risen by a third, to 7,024 – the highest in a month.

The number of cases is also increasing and health officials fear that the weather will put additional pressure on the NHS.

Professor Tim Spector, from King’s College London, said: “It’s clear that we’re now seeing an autumn wave of Covid-19.

“With rates on the rise in the vulnerable elderly age groups, the impact on hospitalisations could be higher than in the June wave.”

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Last week, figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that cases were on the rise for the first time since July with 928,000 in the UK.

The summer wave reached its peak with 14,000 Covid hospital patients. However, this number dropped to just 10,000 by mid-September and is now on the rise.

According to the UK Health Security Agency, there are signs that Covid is rebounding.

Public health director at the UKHSA, Dr Mary Ramsay, said: “We are now seeing an increase which could signal the start of the anticipated winter wave of Covid-19.

“Cases have started to climb and hospitalisations are increasing in the oldest age groups.

“While Covid-19 and flu can be mild infections for many, we must not forget that they can cause severe illness or even death for the most vulnerable.

“The time to boost your protection with a vaccine is now.”


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