Kit Malthouse criticised for suggesting that responses to violent crime against women are up to the individual areas


Kit Malthouse criticised for suggesting that responses to violent crime against women are up to the individual areas

Kit Malthouse, the Policing Minister, was criticized after declaring that it was up to each region to develop their own strategies for combating violence against women and girls.

BBC interview with Malthouse Radio 4The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill defines the serious violence duty as “very widely drawn”To allow local authorities to develop their own strategies for dealing with violence that is most directly affected by them.

He stated that there were areas where he believes that “particularly want”To put emphasis on violence against women, girls, and children “feel they have a systemic problem”Then, “duty allows them to do that”.

The serious violence obligation will make it mandatory for police, local authorities, and other public institutions to share intelligence and data when investigating serious violence cases.

Host Mishal Husain interjected and asked why violence against women and girls isn’t being prioritised everywhere in the same way the Prevent strategy against TerrorismIs.

He claimed that Government The summer saw the publication of a strategy to combat violence against women, girls and boys. “suite of things happening out there in the public realm”This includes funding Safe Streets and appointing a new chief of police to lead the fight against violence against women and girls.

Shadow minister for Domestic violenceProtecting Jess Phillips stated that the government is “resisting”Prioritizing violence against women or girls is the same as prioritizing other serious crimes, such knife crime, terror, and county lines.

She stated that she would like to see violence against women or girls prioritized not only by the Metropolitan Police but also in all police forces in the UK and Whitehall.

The Labour MP says: “For a start-off, the government are currently resisting in the bill on policing and sentencing making violence against women and girls a serious crime which would mean that it would get a cross-departmental [approach] in a local area and it would get a prevention plan that would have to to be worked on around those offenders like we have for knife crime, like we have for terrorism,”She spoke.

“I don’t want to hear about pieces of paper and strategies written, I want to see action where this actually changes.

She added: “If I was Sarah Everard that night I’d have got in the car, and almost anybody would have got in the car, and I know my rights better than most people and so the suggestion that somehow we have to change our behaviour once again is, I have to say, a bit tiring.”

People took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the Radio 4 discussion, with LabourList editor Sienna Rodgers saying Malthouse’s remarks show “no sense of urgency”.

Malthouse has been added: “I don’t think anyone can pretend that this case hasn’t dealt a devastating blow to people’s confidence in police and particularly to female confidence in the police.

“The fact that this monster used the cloak of being a police officer to perpetrate his crime is a dreadful, dreadful event and I think, as the commissioner said yesterday, one of the worst in the 192-year history of the Metropolitan police.”

Sky News’ Malthouse appeared this morning on Sky News to defend Dame Cressida, Met Police Commissioner, amid calls for her resignation.

Follow Wayne Couzens receiving a whole-life OrderFor the kidnap of, rape, and murder of Sarah EverardThe Met announced that they are looking into the matterWhether or not the ex-police officer was involved in other crimes prior to the attack on Everard.

Awareness has been also raised. what your rights are if you’re stopped by the police.


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