Jared Leto has an idea for a House of Gucci Prequel with Al Pacino


Jared Leto enjoyed playing the ill-dressed Paolo Gucci in Ridley Scott’s crime drama “House of Gucci” so much that he has an idea to return to it — with co-star Al Pacino.

In the film, Paolo struggles to win the respect of his father and Gucci chairman Aldo — played by Pacino — due to his lack of fashion or business sense. When Paolo chafes under his father’s control, he is manipulated by his cousin Maurizio and his wife Patrizia (Adam Driver and Lady Gaga) into “taking out”Aldo provided proof of tax evasion to Aldo before he stopped his attempts at starting his own business. Aldo and Paolo are reconciled by the end, but they both have to give up their Gucci shares.

Here’s an interview with “The Jess Cagle Show” on SiriusXM, Leto says that he’d be interested in further exploring the relationship between Paolo and Aldo in a film that would be set before the events of “House of Gucci.”

Al Pacino Jared Leto House of Gucci

“I’d love to do a prequel to ‘House of Gucci,’”Leto told Cagle. “‘Just the Two of Us,’ we could call it.”

It would give them another chance to work together. Leto described it as a “return to basics.” “beautiful gift.” Their connection started off awkwardly, though, when Pacino didn’t recognize him under the layers of makeup he wore to play Paolo.

“He thought I was just an Italian weirdo that was trying to talk to him or get his autograph or something,”Leto said. “I come up to him two or three times and someone finally whispered, ‘That’s Paolo, that’s Jared under there.’ And he was like, ‘My son, my son,’ and he fell to the floor. He was just astounded.”

Leto will next exchange Paolo’s tacky suits for some fangs and a thirst for blood in “Morbius,”The film will feature him as the title antihero. He becomes a vampire following a mysterious treatment for a rare blood disorder. Sony Pictures has moved the film’s release from January to April in response to the COVID-19 Omicron surge.

Watch Leto’s remarks in the clip above.


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