It’s only recently that people have realised why colds make you nauseous.

Snot is possibly the most annoying part of a cold.

It’s not enough to keep mopping your nose and sneeze with tissues. Your schnoz can get so clogged that mouth breathing is the only option.

As annoying as it is, snot can actually help your body drive out infections


Snot isn’t just an inconvenience. It can also help fight infections.

Have you ever wondered why you get snotty nose when you are drowning in tissue and cannot remember the last deep breath you took?

What is the origin of the mucus?

Snot can actually be helpful, even if it doesn’t feel that way when you are sick.

According to the experts, you have a thin mucus layer that covers your throat and nose. You swallow this all day without realizing it. Healthline.

Mucus is produced daily by glands located in the nose and throat. This mucus helps to maintain moistness in the nose, sinuses, and traps dust and other particles.

You can also use it to fight off infections. This is when those annoying colds occur.

Sadik Al Hassan, Superintendent pharmacist at Pilltime Bristol told Central Recorder: “We are all familiar with the nasty snotty nasal symptoms that come along when you’re feeling under the weather.”

The mucus in a runny nose helps the body to fight off harmful bacteria.

What do I do when I have a cold or flu?

When your body fights an infection or allergies, the mucus of your nose becomes inflamed.

It will cause your normally watery and thin snot, to become thicker. This can make you runny.

If your mucus is thicker, it can help to prevent bacteria from settling in your nasal cavity. When your mucus becomes runnier, your body will be removing bacteria and unwanted materials.

Dust, pollen and mold can cause your nose to runny. Other allergens such as tobacco smoke, water, or animal hair, may also trigger your glands to produce excessive mucus.

Have you ever noticed how your nose begins to run when you consume something spicy? Your nasal membranes are temporarily irritated.

Is the colour of a snot a sign?

Sadik stated: “Your snot’s different colors can tell you exactly what is happening.”

Your snot on a typical day should be watery and clear.

Dr Raj Sindwani from the Cleveland Clinic in the US said this is because most snot is a mixture of water, dissolved salts, proteins and antibodies.

Sadik says white snot can be a sign that you may have an infection or allergy.

If it turns yellow or lighter green, however, that could be an indication of a virus infection, which would not need antibiotics, said the pharmacist.

Sadik warns: “There are certain colours which could indicate that you should consult your GP.”

You should consult a doctor if you find that your snot has a brown or red color, and a foul smell.

Meanwhile, if your snot is black, it’s not usually the marker of something sinister – it could just mean you live in a place with a lot of pollution or you’re a smoker.

Mucormycosis is rare fungal disease that can occur after a person inhales mold spores.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), states that it only occurs in one person in a million.

How can I eliminate snot from my nose?

To get rid of the snot, you must treat your underlying problem.

Decongestants are available over the counter and can be used to treat a virus cold.

How to treat a cold NHS recommends you:

  • Relaxation and sleep
  • Drink plenty of water in order to prevent dehydration
  • gargle salt water to soothe a sore throat (not suitable for children)

If your symptoms do not improve within three weeks, or if they suddenly get worse and/or you have a high fever, you need to see a GP.

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Antihistamines can be used to treat allergies.

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