Internet has been able to laugh at this letter from a student about Columbus Day


After learning about Columbus Day, this child shared his wisdom with the world on the internet.

Mark Pygas - Author
Kid Roasts Teacher Over "Lies" About Columbus
Source: Facebook

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Alanya Kolberg took to Facebook recently to share an entry in a teacher’s journal. Detroit School Child Named King. King blasts the teacher in his journal for “teaching falsehoods” about Columbus.

Source: Facebook

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Today was not an excellent learning day. “Blah, blah, blah. I just wanted to listen to you talking.”

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You said something incorrect and I won’t hear you when you lie. I heard my mom say that Wallace is the only Christopher recognized by our family.

Christopher Wallace, the son of The Notorious B.I.G. The journal continues…

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The Indians discovered our country and not Columbus. Columbus Day should be a holiday for me, but you shouldn’t lie to me. “That is it.”

My question of the day: How can white people learn about black history?

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King, I’m very disappointed with your journal.” When King was asked, he replied “Ok.”

Savage. It’s not surprising that social media has a lot to do with journaling.

Twitter user wrote: “King, you should be VERY PROUD of the journal that you have today!” Another added, “If this doesn’t remind me of my parents showing up at my Catholic HS after my AP World Civ. tried to convince me that Hannibal Barca wasn’t Black…”

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Many users pointed out King using the word Indian instead of Native American. However, others quickly pointed out that many adults are still referring to the term.

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Other people loved reading the journal.

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This kid deserves a college scholarship.


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