Home Depot sold me a privacy screen for just $28. A garden renovation cost $16,000.


A COUPLE revealed that they were able to save thousands of dollars by buying a single Home Depot product.

Originally, they were quoted $16,000 to makeover their garden. However, the couple found another option.

Known on TikTok as @typsyflypsy, the crafty couple works to flip furniture and other items that would have otherwise landed in the garbage


Known on TikTok as @typsyflypsy, the crafty couple works to flip furniture and other items that would have otherwise landed in the garbageCredit: TikTok/typsyflypsy
In a recent video, the couple showed how they saved thousands by building their own wooden fence


The couple demonstrated in a video how they were able to save thousands of dollars by building their wooden fence.Credit: TikTok/typsyflypsy
They had originally been quoted $16,000 for a garden makeover but found an alternative


The original quote for the garden renovation was $16,000, but they found an alternate.Credit: TikTok/typsyflypsy

TikTok has a name that is referred to as@typsyflypsyThe couple flips furniture, and many other objects that might have ended up in the trash.

A recent VideoThis couple shows how to build a wooden fence on their own and save hundreds of thousands.

The text on the screen began with “We were quoted $16,000 to build a wooden fence.”

We took the matter into our own hand.

Video then shows the couple using their materials purchased at Home Depot to build their fence.

A couple appears to have driven stakes in the ground with a plan for a fence.

Home Depot offers 16ft of reed-fence for only $28.

What if we told you how much money it would save us if we did this instead of that?

The text ended with the final image of the fence.

This video has now been watched more than 716,000.

Many people questioned in the comments the durability of the fence due to the thin materials.

It lasted 8 months, and it survived lots of TX thunderstorms,” said the poster.


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