Grey’s Anatomy fans Find Grey’s Anatomy’s Military Illustrations Flat-Out Disgraceful

Grey's Anatomy fans Find Grey's Anatomy's Military Illustrations Flat-Out Disgraceful

Fans have pointed out the love story between Dr. Teddy Altman and Dr. Owen Hunt in Grey’s Anatomy’s military vet stories. The hospital’s Chief of Surgery is Dr. Altman who was an Army Veteran.

Her husband, Dr. Hunt — often considered the show’s most hated character — who met Altman in the military, is the Head of Trauma and was previously honorably discharged from the Army due to an accident that caused the death of his entire platoon. The couple are not only married and have children, but they also work in the same field of medicine. This has given them plenty of opportunity to portray realistically two veterans of the military.

Reddit comments show that most people believe this depiction was a failure of the writers. Separate thread: u/DaSchkoomp The question: “Does the military related stuff piss off anyone else?” prompted another conversation.

U/Itbutterscotch She quickly replied, “So many! I find it absurd when Teddy refers her unborn child to herself as a’soldier.’ U/DaSchkoomp agreed, and responded back: “Omg! I hate that!” The unborn child is referred to as a student by a teacher. The same thread: u/me-gusta-tortuga An almost inexcusable production mistake was brought to our attention. “They couldn’t get the pronunciations for ‘Landstuhl’ & ‘Ramstein’ correct. It’s like it takes 2 seconds just to ensure you’re correctly spelling names.”

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