Gayle performing ‘Ur Just Hory’ on James Corden


Gayle is calling her horny buddy on late-night TV. On Tuesday night, Gayle will be calling out her horny friend on late-night TV. “Abcdefu” singer performed her single “Ur Just Horny”On The Late Late ShowJames CordenShe was just 17 years old when she displayed her pop-punk starpower.

“You don’t wanna be my friend/You just wanna see me naked again,”She sings the song while she plays guitar. Gayle’sCorden appearance comes just a day after she performed at Los Angeles’ the Roxy on her brief pre-EP tour.

Gayle spoke withRolling StoneThe meaning of the words “Ur Just Horny,”She gave it to a friend who desired their relationship to become sexual. “I thought I was the one at fault. Like, ‘Fuck, I really fucked up our friendship,’”She said. “But then I realized, ‘No. They were trying to get into my pants the whole entire time: That was their goal. They never cared in the first place.’ Maybe I’m not completely the problem.”

The performance comes just days before she’s set to release her debut EP, Volume One of A Study of the Human ExperienceFriday The project will capture how “life is fucking weird,”She told Rolling Stone. “And life is so hard, but it’s so lovely at the same time. And that’s really confusing. Especially when you’re growing up.”


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