Gavin Leatherwood is not returning to Season 2 of ‘The Sex Lives Of College Girls’


Actor Gavin Leatherwood won’t be coming back to season two of the HBO comedy College Girls and their Sexual Lives.

The actor said Us WeeklyHe will not be returning to the show with Nico, nor will he. “There is a Season 2, but I’m not going to go back,”Leatherwood added that he was “happy to do the first season,”He will, however. “branching off and going in a different direction.”

He continued “It was such an incredible experience. I think [co-creator] Mindy [Kaling] is brilliant, and the cast, everyone’s lovely,”Leatherwood was not finished. “But with so many amazing opportunities out there, we want to keep spreading our wings and leading ourselves to other projects so that’s the move.”

Season 1: Kimberly (Pauline Chalamet), Nico’s girlfriend, is revealed to have a long distance friend that he kept secret. “I think Nico does have real feelings for Kimberly, and I think he kind of had them all along,” co-creator/showrunner Justin Noble told TVLine during a Q&A.

“We wanted it to feel like we were living in a gray area where we didn’t exactly know what was up with these two, and the performers played that beautifully. We saw Kimberly pining after Nico, and we were watching Nico in a way where we couldn’t quite pin down where he was. But in the finale, we see he does care about this girl who kind of pursued him at her own expense. He was a bad guy in terms of a love interest to her. But it does show that he cares about her, and maybe he’s an imperfect character, but he did have true feelings for her all along.”


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