Celebrity Publicist Was 84


Publicist to the stars Bobby Zarem died at his home in Savannah, Georgia at the age of 84 from complications of lung cancer, according to the NY Times.

Throughout his career, Zarem represented Alan Alda, Dustin Hoffman, Michael Caine, Cher, Jack Nicholson, Diana Ross, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, among others. He’s also known for his role in the promotion of the “I Love New York” tourism campaign although how his participation in the creation of the slogan is unknown.

He promoted major titles both on Broadway and the big screen including Tommy, Saturday Night Fever, Dances With Wolves, and Rambo for his client Sylvester Stallone.

It was his promotion of Schwarzenegger’s bodybuilding documentary Pumping Iron that helped catapult the Austrian-born actor to the next level.



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