Ben Shapiro Teases Children’s Content to Challenge Disney


Ben Shaprio is a conservative news commentator who previously attacked Disney for its perceived insensitivity to his views. “woke”Undertones of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”For example, Thursday was another day of retaliation against the company. “catering”It will wake up factions within the company in response to the fallout of its response to the “Don’t Say Gay”Florida: bill He also vowed to create original children’s programming via his company The Daily Wire.

“Disney is a company meant to derive pleasure for children. When Disney gets political, when Disney decides that they will be renormalized by the radical trans activists inside the company, they will lose business and they should lose business,” Shapiro said on Thursday’s episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show”.

The company can be called “cowards”He used a variety of demeaning acronyms to refer to the LGBTQ+ community and long for the days of Disney, when it was the most demanding company to work for. (He claims that his mom worked for The Disney Channel. “Unless you are a member of the LGBTQ, you get to tell Bob Chapek what to do,” Shapiro snarled.

Disney Staffers Demand ‘Actionable Changes’ at Walkout Over Company’s Response to ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill

“We’re not going to stand for corporate America catering to its wokest base,” Shaprio said. “You want to inject LGBTQ politics in Florida or Texas? Fine, we’re not going to watch ‘Lightyear.’” Weirdly, Shaprio didn’t refer to the controversy around “Lightyear,”Last week, Disney brass restored a same-sex kiss that was previously removed from the final film.

Shaprio also vowed to make up for Disney’s shortcomings via his own company.

“If you want entertainment that is going to cater to your children, we’re going to start making kids content over here at Daily Wire specifically so that you don’t have to cater to companies that hate your guts and cater to people who despise your values,” Shapiro vowed.

We reached out The Daily Wire to confirm this, but have yet to hear back. We’ll update when and if they respond.


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