All Workers Are “Dispensable” in Corporations, Tiktoker Says

Corporate Life TikTok
Source: Getty

TikToker, in an viral video post, has warned people to not live their lives for work. The TikToker said that companies treat employees like disposables.

Mustafa Gatollari - Author

TikToker, @jennahushka who is known for her corporate humor clips posted on TikTok asked users of the social media platform: “What was something that you weren’t prepared for in the corporate world?”

This video is a collage of a video posted by Norah. She says, in the video: “No matter what you do you will always be disposable.” Always.”

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She went on to say, “I worked for an organization and stood on my own head. I came in every morning early, left at night, worked weekends, and was replaced within 3 hours when I quit. Your mental and physical well-being is not worth a job. You will always be disposable. Ever.”

Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

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Norah was not alone in her opinion.

It goes with everything. Replaceable and disposable.

Always remember that you work for yourself, and not a company. This is true even if the people with whom you are working are very nice. It’s just because you are here.”

“Exactly. “Never, ever will our job ever be more important than our health. We value our health more than anything else.

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

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Other people shared their own experiences at their jobs, stating that there were “toxic” things they encountered, like TikToker @rigovgd who wrote: “When I left a toxic company that didn’t value my work, they had to hire two people to do my job. They wouldn’t give me a raise but did that instead”

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

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“Facts. I wish I learned this before wasting my 20’s trying to climb a ladder I was never going to be allowed to climb.”

If you are told by a company that you CANNOT get a pay raise but they offer you one after you leave, this is a good example. Like ma’am my new job offered much higher”

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

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Other users thought Norah’s comments on corporate life were not very logical, since Human Resources quickly found her a replacement position after Norah decided to quit.

You decided to go and they hired a substitute? What does it mean to be disposable? I’m not arguing. It seems that HR are as good as “you”

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

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Others, however, pointed out that there was a “double-standard” in the workplace. They said expectations were not always mutual.

The fact that they only fired you the day after your resignation was a big disappointment to me.

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

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Many articles have written about labor shortages in the United States. However, certain industries, such as “food services and hospitality”, have “struggled” more than others.[ing] Retaining workers is important.

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

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Chamber of Commerce of The United States Writer: “During pandemic reshuffling jobs that required in-person attendance, and had traditionally lower wages, were more difficult to retain workers. The leisure and hospitality sector, for example, has consistently had a quit rate above 5.4% since July 20,21. The quit rate for the retail trade industry isn’t far behind, with rates hovering close to 4 percent over the summer.”

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

Continued below the advertisement The current job landscape is a unique and favourable environment for those seeking employment: “The first half of the year 2022 was arguably the strongest for workers ever.” There are currently 11.3 millions job openings in May 2022, which is 50 percent higher than the record pre-pandemic high. This translates to 1.9 jobs available for each person who wants one.

corporate workers dispensable tiktok
Source: TikTok | @wellnessbynorah

Do you have any experience in finding a job? Your experience has been? Do you find it harder or easier to land a gig than before? Are you happy with your current job?


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