Aitch, Rapper, launches a free travel program to allow young fans to attend summer events


Aitch, Rapper has launched a new travel plan to assist young people at festivals, gigs, or other live events this year.

The Aitch-S2 project will offer train vouchers worth up to £100 to hundreds of 18 to 25-year-olds for eight weeks across July and August.

Relentless energy drink and Manchester-born rapper 22 have teamed up for the scheme, which aims to make sure young fans are not left out in the face of rising living and transportation costs.

Harrison Armstrong, Aitch’s real-name, stated: “I’m really excited to launch The Aitch-S2 with Relentless – there’s so much amazing culture around the UK, but for young people to experience it, they need to break out of their city limits – this is even more difficult since the pandemic with less resources dedicated to levelling up the culture.

“I don’t want anyone missing out on what is going to be a summer to remember, so this initiative will offer free travel to help young Brits get back out there and have fun, no matter the location.”

Festivals, gigs, live cultural events, and other activities that are open to the public in the UK have been allowed to resume after the removal of Covid-19 restrictions.

But, this comes at the same time that the country is experiencing rising living expenses and higher transport fares.

The Global Awards 2020 with u2013 Show u2013 LondonThe rapper hopes that the initiative will benefit others. “rebalance cultural accessibility”For young music lovers (Scott Garfitt/PA).PA Archive/PA Images – Scott Garfitt

This scheme allows young people to apply for funding to pay rail travel costs to different events across the UK.

The rapper hopes the initiative will be a success. “rebalance cultural accessibility”For young music lovers who might otherwise miss out on music and cultural events.

The Aitch-S2 travel program will run for eight consecutive weeks, from July 5th to August 26th. Young people aged 18-25 anywhere in the UK can apply through


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