Actress Claims Arnold Schwarzenegger Intentionally Forgot Her Face


Actress Claims Arnold Schwarzenegger Intentionally Forgot Her Face

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austrian-American actor, has been well-known for his ability to beef up for His best films, whether he’s playing a cyborg in the TerminatorIn Central America, series of hostages are saved or the group is saved Predator.But, it is now being claimed that he raped an actress during a film shoot.

Recently, Harry PotterMiriam Margolyes, actress, claimed that she was in an episode “I’ve Got News for You”Podcast that Schwarzenegger intentionally spit in her face during filming 1999 horror movie End of days. She named her least favorite costar when she was asked. Total RecallShe claimed she was a star “quite rude” during the film’s shoot and found him to be “full of himself.”

In the Peter Hyams horror flick, Margolyes played Satan’s sister and Schwarzenegger’s character was supposed to kill her by putting her in a position where she could not escape while she was lying on the floor. The scene was allegedly enhanced by Schwarzenegger cutting cheese on Margolyes’ face. Although it wasn’t shown in the film however, the British thespian still remembers the moment and hasn’t forgotten him.

I didn’t care for [Arnold Schwarzenegger]. He’s a bit too full of himself and I don’t care for him at all. He’s a Republican, which I don’t like, and he was actually quite rude. He farted in my face. Now I fart, of course I do, but I don’t fart in people’s faces. He deliberately did it in my face… I can’t remember the date, but it was during the filming of [End of Days] in Los Angeles, and I was playing Satan’s sister. And he was killing me, so he had me in a position where I couldn’t escape and lying on the floor. He just farted. It wasn’t on film, it was in one of the pauses, but I haven’t forgiven him for it.

If Miriam Margolyes’ claims are true, Arnold Schwarzenegger wouldn’t be the first actor who pulled a real stink like this. Tom Holland was known to have acted on Zendaya in the midst of his work. Spider-Man, There’s No Way HomeAfter performing a stunt together, he sat on her lap while she sat down on his lap. Josh Hutcherson also farted in Tom Hanks’ face while he made his acting debut doing motion-capture work in Polar Express. To note: these moments were embarrassing-yet-hilariously-memorable accidents. Margolyes’s accounts of Schwarzenegger’s alleged farting in Schwarzenegger’s face weren’t as funny.

The 81-year old actress is currently in 2020 Australian film Miss Fisher and the Crypt for Tears. She was also the subject in a BBC documentary Miriam Margolyes: Available for GrabsShe spoke as part of Imagine’s series about her career highlights and lows. Arnold Schwarzenegger on the other hand hasn’t appeared on the big screen since the sixth installment of the Imagine series. TerminatorHe’s been working hard, but he hasn’t stopped. Schwarzenegger has a Netflix series with a True Lies vibe, about a father-daughter team who work together as CIA operatives.

Here’s hoping in these future projects, the bodybuilde won’t be letting one rip, particularly in anyone’s face. Continue to follow up with CinemaBlend’s upcoming movies and TV premiere schedule so you’ll be the first to know when you’ll see the comedy-action star next.


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