Above UK dock a stunning meteor lights up captured by camera


You can see the amazing meteor streaking across Southampton’s skyline from the ferry terminal. Hampshire Police captured the footage during an evening patrol.

Meteor captured by police camera over Hampshire

The camera captured a stunning meteor lighting up the sky above a UK dock.

The Solent Ships video was posted online Page was taken around 10.45 on Sunday evening.

Above UK dock a stunning meteor lights up captured by camera

You can see a bright object streaking across the sky above the Red Funnel ferry terminal at Southampton.

Hampshire Road Police also captured footage of the meteor as they were out on an evening patrol.

Reports indicated that officers were in the “right place at the right time”The stunning dashcam footage captured a meteor streaking across the sky late on Sunday evening.

A meteor was captured on camera in Southampton by a port.

Hampshire Police officers were on a late-night police patrol and couldn’t believe their luck when the meteor flashed across the sky.

The police simply looked at their dashcam footage and determined if they had seen the meteor.

Above UK dock a stunning meteor lights up captured by camera

Write on their behalf Page, where the incredible footage was captured by CCTV cameras. Solent Ships stated that it is believed to have landed in France

Hampshire caught a meteor in action in several parts of the UK.
On Sunday night, the meteor lit up night skies

A spokesperson said: “Spotted this on Sunday evening at 22:47.

“Matt King, Keen’s admin, made the spot. Believed to be in Morgat Brittany.

The Mirror reported last month that a Draconid meteor Shower could be seen in several locations in the UK.

According to experts, Exmoor and Kielder in Northumberland are great spots for them as well.