A Former Chef explains What “Spencer” Did Wrong About the Royal Family


A Former Chef explains What "Spencer" Did Wrong About the Royal Family

  • The 2021 biopic film is being discussed by a royal chef “Spencer”There are many details that were wrong about the royal family.
  • Darren McGrady is the character in the film. Insider was told which details were real.
  • “I don’t want viewers thinking that the royals were bad. They weren’t at all,”He said.

A chef who worked for the royal households for 15 years says Pablo Larraín’s biopic “Spencer”Many details about Princess Diana and her royal family were incorrect.

The film weaves surrealism in its history account. It gives viewers a warning that these events are coming. “a fable from a true tragedy.”

It follows Princess Diana arriving at Sandringham House — one of Queen Elizabeth II’s private residences in Norfolk, England — in 1991 for three days of Christmas festivities.

Sean Harris portrays Darren McGrady as in the film. Assisted the royal family of Buckingham PalaceHis website states that he was employed for 11 years beginning in 1982. From 1993 to 1997, he was employed by Diana at Kensington Palace.

McGrady said to Insider “Spencer”It is imaginative in its storytelling, but viewers shouldn’t confuse fiction with reality. “You’ve got to keep looking for all those metaphors,”He concluded.

Despite the film’s flaws, Darren McGrady, a former Royal Chef, tweeted on March 14: “No actor has mastered Diana’s voice or mannerisms like Kristen Stewart. “100% deserves an Oscar”Diana for her role.

He highlighted details he believes are incorrect.

Sandringham’s Christmas dinner was not brought in by military trucks. It was procured locally.

McGrady said to Insider that he was not consulted on the film, but could see the traces of media interviews he’d given over the years being woven into the story. “Whoever’s done the research on that was like, ‘Here’s a bit about Darren McGrady, let’s read this and put it in there,'”He said.

He stated that he had previously told a reporter the military was used for transporting cookware from Sandringham because it didn’t have a budget to do so.

The chef claimed that this was misinterpreted by the filmmakers, who showed the military bringing in excess produce. “All the food was local,”He said it, noting that it was also “simple food”It was ordered in small quantities.

Since it was her 11th Christmas at Sandringham, Princess Diana wouldn’t have been lost.

Diana, when Diana is introduced to viewers, appears lost after insisting that she drive herself there. McGrady claimed it was “weird”He doesn’t believe it is appropriate for the princess not to be with her family during the 11th Christmas, but he does acknowledge that it is symbolic.

“The fact that she’s lost is a metaphor for her life, she’s lost in the moment. She doesn’t really know where she’s going,”He said.

Diana wasn’t always unhappy and the royals weren’t’monsters.

McGrady was very pleased with Kristen Stewart’s portrayal as Diana. “brilliant,”However, he claimed that the film’s portrayal the royal family as cruel wasn’t accurate.

“My big worry is that somebody would watch that and say, ‘Oh my gosh, the family just sat there, they were monsters,’ and that’s not true,”He spoke highly of the film.

He remembered hearing Diana’s infectious laughter from the kitchen and witnessed her close relationship with Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York.

“I don’t want viewers thinking that the royals were bad. They weren’t at all,”He said.

Diana didn’t take William or Harry to KFC. But she did take them to McDonald’s.

“Spencer”Ends with Diana leaving the estate in her convertible with Prince William, Harry and their children.

We see her taking the boys, aged 9 & 7, through a KFC drive thru. McGrady however says that this is unlikely since there was no KFC in Kensington at that time.

He also said that she took them to McDonald’s occasionally, recalling that she once asked him to cancel lunch so he could go to the fast food restaurant. “I said, ‘Your Royal Highness, come on, I can make better burgers than McDonald’s.’ She said, ‘I know, but it’s the toys, the boys want the happy meal and the toys.”


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