You’ve been washing your face all wrong and this is the gross reason why


WE ALL find ourselves washing our face and then reaching for a bath towel to dry, right?

One TikTok user advised us to stop doing that.

You've been washing your face all wrong...


You’ve been washing your face all wrong…

A video was posted to the account ‘Clean Skin Club’ and shows towels soaking in a bath of water.

TikTok user shows us her method of cleaning her bath towels.

In a warm bath, she adds distilled white vinegar to the water and then adds baking soda.

She then adds the towels and says: “Watch me strip my towels after 1 week of not washing.

“Let it sit for 2 hours.”

The water’s colour changes instantly from clear to a dark brown.

After two hours, the water turns black.

It’s so bizarre!

We’re seriously grossed out and can’t believe we regularly wipe our freshly-washed faces with this.

It seems like it’s a waste of time to wash your face and do a four-step skincare regimen.

What a waste of cleanser, toner, and all that!

Excuse us while we go and wash our towels immediately…


Clearly this video has grossed out numerous people as it has racked up over 565,000 views.

This video has been shared 87 times, 44 comments and 25.3k likes.

One person said: “EWWWWWWW.”

Another added: “Oops.”

A third commented: “Thank you.”

Instead of using a dirty bath towel to wipe your face, the account recommends you purchase Clean Skin towels, that will set you back just £11 for an XL 50-pack.

After seeing the state of that water, we might just be tempted…

What's the point in washing your face if you're going to use a filthy towel to dry?


What’s the point in washing your face if you’re going to use a filthy towel to dry?Credit: TikTok/@cleanskinclub

Meanwhile, a mum claims we should be microwaving our kitchen sponges and shares the disgusting reason why.

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