You Season 2 Finale How Did It End? Thriller Show Season 2 On Netflix Spoilers!


The following contains spoilers for Season 2 of Netflix’s You.

Human beings, for whatever reason, are captivated by the sordid stories of death, murder, and degeneration. There are so many podcasts on true crime about humans engaging in horrific acts against their own species. Or scripted dramas glorifying the horrible acts of social rejects. You, which falls into the latter category, has become one of Netflix’s most-watched intellectual properties.

How did the season 2 finale of ‘You?’ turn out?

If you’re unfamiliar with the basis of You, Penn Badgley of Gossip Girl and that super underrated part in Margin Call fame plays a total loser by the name of Joe who has an obsession with stalking people and even goes so far as to kill them. Since the show was about a good-looking dude who likes to harm women, it definitely seemed like the perfect fit for Lifetime.

While one would think that the network that produced Baby for Sale would probably greenlight several seasons of a show like You, the series was ultimately canceled and found new life on Netflix.

You Season 2 Finale How Did It End? Thriller Show Season 2 On Netflix Spoilers!

Season 2 was a huge success. Just like the first episode, viewers had different opinions about its direction and the fate of the major characters.

The ending of Season 2 revealed that Joe’s love interest (named Love) is a killer like himself. After Joe learns she murdered his neighbor Delilah along with Candace, his ex-girlfriend, he isn’t exactly happy. He was probably thinking, “What’s good for the goose isn’t exactly what’s good for the gander” or whatever weird psycho-nerd stuff he scribbles in old Hustler magazines when no one’s looking.

I just finished season 2 of you and joe nor love deserved the ending they got. forty deserved better. Ellie deserved better. Delilah deserved SO much better. I’m irate.

— mac (@lolcornell) December 27, 2019

Joe almost kills Love after learning that she’s a murderer like him (hypocritical, much?), but then she tells him that she’s pregnant with his child. “Nothing is more important than this,” he says after letting go of her throat. Our poisoned race must persist regardless, right?

But everything isn’t smooth sailing after that. Love’s brother — who has an equally ridiculous name, Forty — decides he’s gonna end Joe once and for all.

Season 2 of YOU was incredible. The plot twists, storytelling & even cinematography were amazing. The characters were way better written & more likable than season 1. I felt like I really knew love, Ellie, forty, & Delilah. The number of twists & turns had me hooked right in.

He brings a gun to a Joe-fight and points the firearm at Mr. Badgley until police officer Fincher comes in and lights him up like being named after malt liquor containers is a crime.

In order to clean up the nasty mess of Forty’s death, Fincher then pins Henderson’s death on Love’s screw-up of a brother.

Although Henderson is a local celebrity, no one is really mourning his death because he’s a dude who preys on underage girls (who just so happens to be played by an actor who was accused of … preying on underage girls).

After all of this goes down, Joe and Love end up living a quiet-seeming life in suburban Los Angeles. He’s chilling in the backyard, reading a book, when someone catches his eye.

That someone is his next-door neighbor, who obviously becomes the latest object of his obsessive nature. Joe narrates as he creepily peers at the mystery woman: “This is just the beginning because this is where I had to be. Exactly where I had to be to meet you. There you were with your books and your sunshine. So close but worlds away. I will figure out a way, a way to get to you. See you soon, neighbor.”