Yellowstone’s Jen Landon is like Teeter who has lost her family


Yellowstone’s Jen Landon is like Teeter who has lost her family

Jen Landon continued to say that the family in which she envisions Teeter from “Yellowstone”, is “a bunch of older brother,” and she said she thought the character, “went by his father.” Imagine the cut-off, sarcastic Teeter this way and you can add many layers to her character.

Landon’s story could also become true one day, given that “Yellowstone,” which is currently a major motion picture, has been delving into many key characters’ backstories. Landon said, “One thing that became very clear, even during season 3, was Teeter’s need for a family.” Landon said, “She feels like she’s a momless child, and really has lost her family to all sorts of problems.”

Teeter’s most emotionally charged scene is when John kicks the girls out of the bunkhouse after too many fights in the bunkhouse. Teeter is understandable in her hurtful despair after feeling secure and loved for the first.

Taylor Sheridan, who is always willing to work with performers and collaborate, could incorporate Landon’s interpretation of the character’s past into future episodes. This would depend on how long the show continues.


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