Women asks French Restaurant to split bill to bizarre results


On TikTok, a woman asked for a split bill at a French Restaurant in the South of France. What they did is unbelievable.

Callie (Carlos) Cadorniga - Author

There’s been a lot of talk about the “tipping cultures” that vary from country to country, state to state, and even case by case. Some tip according to the level of service received, while others are entitled to get their money. People’s opinions on tipping vary greatly. The same is true for paying the bill in the first place, before the tip.

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Rosaria Sarnacchiaro (@tikTok)@rosarrrriaIt was discovered by Rosaria and her friend that the habits they had for paying their bill can change depending on what restaurant you are dining in. Rosaria and her friend dined at a French Restaurant while on vacation in the South of France. She asked the server to split their bill with her. They did something amazing for her.

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The customers reveal what happened to them when they attempted to split a bill in France.

Rosaria started in August 2023. Posting TikTok sent a picture of her vacation, which looked glamorous and was in the South France. She has seen beautiful sights and eaten delicious food during her vacation, but she experienced the most culture shock when dining at a restaurant.

Rosaria and her friend dined out in a local restaurant during their vacation. She asked her server, after the meal was over, to divide the food between all of the people in the party. This is a fairly standard request for eating out. The server even agreed. It’s not what you think.

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True-to-life Amelia Bedelia The server divided the bill with them. This is when the server cut their bill in two and handed it back to them.

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The term “splitting a bill” is used to divide the cost of a meal in a particular restaurant evenly among all the people who attended. It’s possible that the server was not familiar with this term and mistook Rosaria’s request for a literal interpretation.

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The comments were filled with people who were shocked at what their server did to the bill.

Someone guessed, “I believe there was some kind of language barrier.”

In the comments, another French person wrote: [bills] The server’s hilarious error was created by itself.

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Most commenters were shocked to learn that Rosaria wanted to divide the bill for a total which wasn’t very grand. It is clear that at the end, the bill shows exactly how much the meal cost, or $38 US.

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“Splitting 35€ is so sad,” one person remarked.

One person proposed “simply ring each other up for 17 dollars.”

Even though a split bill is utterly ridiculous, it has revealed people’s habits of spending money at restaurants. Would you split $35 worth of bill? Would you, as a server tear up the bill when asked?


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