Why is Joseph Crackstone so significant?


*WARNING: Spoilers ahead for Wednesday*

The story of Netflix’s Wednesday series is centered on a gruesome string of murders that take in and around Jericho, the town that neighbors Nevermore Academy.

Wednesday Addams, despite initially wanting to move on from Nevermore is intrigued and set about investigating this bizarre killing spree.

After experiencing a vision of her ancestor, Goody, Wednesday’s investigation is pointed in the direction of an individual named Joseph Crackstone but who exactly is he and why is he so important?

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Wednesday’s investigation turns to Joseph Crackstone

Episode 2 is Wednesday and the protagonist, Addams, experiences an ancestor vision outside of the crypts of Joseph Crackstone.

Ever-inquisitive Wednesday pledges to discover more about the person involved. In the next episode, she joins her Nevermore friends for a fieldtrip to PilgrimWorld.

PilgrimWorld has lots of information about Joseph Crackstone. However, the current exhibit is not open. This leaves Wednesday with little option but to sneak in.

Is Joseph Crackstone in Wednesday’s?

Joseph Crackstone was played by William Houston and is considered the founding father for Jericho.

In 1625, he was among the Pilgrims that first established the site and was also a prominent member of the founding community.

Wednesday also experiences another vision, which reveals Crackstone’s hatred of outsiders such as the Nevermore students. Crackstone tried to kill Goody Addams by making her an a witch.

Joseph Crackstone was an ancestor for the Gates family. They are one of Jericho’s most wealthy and powerful families.

Although all of the Gateses are believed to have died by Wednesday, her investigations lead her to believe that Laurel is alive and well, which is why she suspects that she is responsible for the brutal killing spree in the middle of the series.

Laurel’s plan revealed

As Ms Marilyn Thornhill confirms that she is Laurel Gates, the friendly normie teacher at Nevermore in the last episode of Wednesday’s final episode, it is all revealed.

She is also planning to revive Joseph Crackstone in order for them to fulfill his dream of eradicating all outcasts from the Earth.

Laurel hired Tyler, a Hyde-like monster, to murder people, and then collect the body parts. This ritual was to restore Crackstone from the dead.

Laurel succeeds in doing this but quickly discovers that Crackstone isn’t the ally she thought he would be.

Despite Crackstone’s danger, Wednesday, her Nevermore friends, and her co-students, are able to defeat him, Laurel, and monstrous Hyde.

Wednesday punches Crackstone in the chest during the last confrontation. He burst into flames, and then vanishes, hopefully stopping him being resurrected.

You can stream Wednesday live streaming now Netflix Following release on November 23, 20,22.

Spy x Family Episode 21 (Pt 2, ep 9) is out now. Preview revealed


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